chapter 10

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It felt like it had been forever, it probably had too, you were wondering if they were okay, that Leatherface hadn't backed down from the deal, of course you'd never know since they'd never be coming back, you waited a long while again, after a while you heard footsteps, Leatherface walked down, he was keeping his hand on his stomach like he was trying to stop bleeding, which ended up being the case, you saw it when he finally walked down from the stares, "Leatherface? W-what happened?" you asked, of course you knew he wouldn't or couldn't answer, but you really wanted to know if everything went as planned, maybe it did, maybe it didn't, who knows now because he has a wound on his stomach, truth be told you was a little worried about him, you couldn't help it and at some levels you hated being worried about him but on the other he did decide to spear C/N's life, he didn't need to do that, you were also worried that he might have actually killed C/N but who knows, No one will, since he just came back wounded and without the Body, so hell, what would you know.

Leatherfaces pov

(At the chase)
I was chasing him like it had been planned, Everyone is counting on me to catch them but I wasn't going to do that, eventually they stopped so once I catched up-to them I looked at them confused, they looked like they were thinking, "Hey, you know what would make this a bit more believable, you see I want to make everything as believable as possible, so you don't get yourself in trouble for not catching me" they said and I motioned them to continue, "Well, you need to get some blood on that Chainsaw, from me particularly, and you need to get a new wound" they said, I mean they were right, both those things were needed but my leg already hurt like hell, but they were right so I nodded to that, "Okay, Awesome" they said and looked around, they took this very Big branch off the ground "Where exactly do I hit you with this?" they asked, I really didn't know so I shrugged, Trust be told I was afraid of being in more pain, it's not normally me who has to get hurt but I suppose if it's to get to follow commands, "I'm.. Gonna hit you on the stomach with this, okay? I'll try and make it a bit realistic but not too hard" they said, I nodded, Why'd I have to make this deal?, I thought, they hit it on my stomach, It hurt badly, I groaned at the impact, I was bleeding from it, I looked at them, "S-sorry" they said, I rolled my eyes as a response, Now I'd need to use the saw on him, for the blood on the saw, I lifted it up a little, "R-right, my turn.." they said "Just.. A little from the arm, okay?" they said and I nodded, I put the saw on and I made a cut with it on his arm, he screamed at it, People Can be so loud sometimes, I thought, "O-okay, that'll do, We can go our separate ways now" they said holding onto the cut, I nodded and we both started walking different directions.

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