Chapter 34

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Drayton Sighed Angrily and glared at bubba "Boy get your Damn chainsaw and Kill these people already!", Bubba Whined and ran to get his chainsaw, Drayton then looked at Nubbins and Chop top "You two Coon Shits that's not how you do it use a Goddamn Hammer!", "Y-You're just a cook!" Nubbins Shouted as he ran to get a hammer and Chop Top have him the ol' middle finger "Yeah! Just a cook!" And he ran to get one too, bubba and the Two came back with what they went to get and now I knew I should probably hide in the kitchen, alot of screaming, Laughing, shouting and of course the sound of the chainsaw later It was quiet, Until Drayton once again broke the silence "Good, Boys clean up this Damn mess. Now, Who the Hell is that Girl whose hiding in My kitchen?", I let out a small Shreak hearing the hints of anger in his voice, Mama dragged me out the kitchen "Oh! Drayton this is Y/n, You know from your childhood, you remember her right?", He lifted an eyebrow "Y/n? You mean That naive idiot that spent all her time with bubba?", I took that pretty offensively "Hey! I'm not a naive idiot!", He glared at me "She can speak? That's gonna be annoying to listen to.. why does she have bubba's old muzzle?", Mama Chuckled "Bubba gave it to her for Christmas, Doesn't it suit her? She's really pretty looking with it!", He groaned "I don't like her, can we get rid of her? Like Now?", Mama shook her head "No can do, she's family and we don't do that to family", "She's not family!, She's a L/n, not a Sawyer! She doesn't belong in this house." He growled angrily, "Exactly! He gets it!" Hoyt Shouted, now Mama was starting to get frustrated "She's Family and she's staying, period.", The two groaned and shouted out "Fine!", Drayton then glared at me "you better help the boys clean up this mess and I mean now if you want to stay", I growled but then took a deep breath and exhaled "Fine, Doesn't bother me at all" I went to get my apron and then I came back, They had gotten me what I needed already so I could get right into cleaning up the blood from the walls and floor, I needed help from bubba for him to hold me up so I could scrub whatever blood was on the ceiling off, after that once the four of us tried to relax for once Drayton came in the room and crossed his arms "What do you think you're doing?", "Taking a break after we were done cleaning?" I responded, "Oh no you don't, You four have alot to do", The twins looked at each other confused "what do you mean? We've done everything already!", "This house is a mess, it needs cleaning and you last sacks of Shit are going to Clean it up" he demanded, "What?!" The three of us shouted and bubba let out a "uh?", "Clean. Now." He said angrily and turned away, he then looked back "I'll be checking on you often, so you better do as I say." He then walked off and we all groaned angrily, I was the first one to get up and get ready to start cleaning again, as much as I didn't want to, "Y/n We really don't need to, We can just not Clean and just listen to music instead!" Chop top smiled as he said that, I sighed but smiled "how about we do both? Music Always made cleaning better!", the twins looked at each other and then nodded and got up, Chop top got the radio and started Going through channels to try and find the channel that was playing Anything he thought was good, I looked at bubba who was still sitting down "Come on Bubs, the faster we do this and the sooner we do it the more time we'll have to relax", He grumbled but got up and got everything ready, Soon enough we Started cleaning, singing and dancing around along to the music, this wasn't the kind of day I expected to have but it was nice, Soon we were disturbed by mama laughing "what are you four doing?" We looked back at her, "O-oh we Drayton commanded us to clean the whole house so we're doing it the way we enjoy doing it" I answered, "He did What? Oh Darlings you don't need to do that, he's just being Grumpy" she chuckled, Drayton cleared his Throat "These Fudge peckers are to clean the house, They're Lazy and Good for nothing", mama glared at him "then you better help them because you've been good for nothing all day", The twins started laughing at the top of Their lungs and I let out a small "Ohhhhh!", I could even hear bubba let out a gasp of surprise, Drayton's face went Bright red with anger and he wanted to speak but mama glared at him with an actual death glare so he just Mumbled mean things angrily, "you leave these four alone and do things yourself for once, Let them have fun" Mama said and walked off, Drayton glared at us with anger "I'll go see grandpa, you better not stop cleaning", we just shook our heads "Mama said we can stop", he growled again and walked away, we all Smiled and Sat back down, the radio still playing and we Started singing again and playing games, Nubbins took quite alot of pictures during the time, I showed them this hand game, first you clap your hands then you and the one you're playing with Kinda like high five with your right hand then clap again then high five with your left hands and clap again then you high five with with hands, of course you don't actually high five just Touch hands or slap your hands together I'm not sure how to examine it correctly but we did that for a while, the Twins playing together and bubba and I were playing together, it was a nice way to pass the time, I even went to get teddy at one point so we could play around with them for a bit, Soon without us even noticing that the time had went so quickly, it was dinner time and we were called in to eat, "Dinner already?" I questioned, Bubba shrugged and made an 'I don't know' kind of muttered sound, "Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go!" Chop top repeated as he jumped up and down, Nubbins got up and they ran to the table, I sighed "I'm starving, let's go eat" I got up and tried to pull bubba up by the arm, He laughed seeing how I wasn't able to move him almost at all, Soon he got up and I dragged him to the table, or I don't think I actually dragged him anywhere and he just followed as I did poorly to trying to pull him by the arm. Dinner was a mess, Drayton shouting at the twins and bubba, Hoyt joining in to shouting and trying to command everyone, Mama shouting at them to stop, the Twins were Being messy and really did disturb the table with their doings but Bubba, Grandpa and I were actually behaving, God this family was a mess. I did end up being able to eat during the ruckus but it was honestly hard not to Scream for them to shut up at the top of my lungs, They were really getting annoying at the moment, after dinner I decided to get some peace and quiet in my room, I had taken some left overs of what I didn't eat and I gave them to teddy, I walked up the stairs and into my room, It was nice and quiet there, I flipped onto the bed and Enjoyed it's softness, without even noticing I Blacked out and went right into the beautiful word of dreams.

((Enjoy this chapter, I know it wasn't the Best and it didn't have too much Cute stuff but I wanted to make a cheaper showing how much chaos the house went in having two people who try and control everything even though mama is the one who at least in this Is the one in charge, She wouldn't be mama for nothing after all, Anyway I hoped you enjoyed it anyway! Have a nice day/evening/night))

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