Chapter 26

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Once you woke up, You were In the mood of wanting to learn more about them, Since you know they're Now Sawyer's instead of Hewitt's, you wondered what other things you could learn about them, You got up and noticed the dog had already been fed, Teddy was Sleeping happily so you didn't want to bother them, you made your way downstairs and into the Living room, they were almost all there just talking, Or, The ones who could talk were, to be exact, they stopped once they noticed you, "Did I come in on a bad time?" You asked and they all shook their heads, "Not at all, Come right in" Mama said, you walked in and sat down, "We were just chatting so you have nothing to worry about" Mama said once again reassuring you, "Alright, I trust you on that" You replied and she smiled, "I was curious, I don't really know any names to call some of you, I mean, Leatherface, Chop top, Hitchhiker and Grandpa are ones that are ones I can but then There's Just Sheriff and Mama, so, Do you have anything more Simple?" You asked, you really didn't have problems with calling them by that but you wanted to learn more stuff about them, "Just keep Calling me mama, it's quite simple" she said kindly, you nodded as a response, "It's Hoyt" the sheriff said and you looked at him, "Hm?" You said as a way of getting him to repeat what he just said, "Call me Hoyt, It's what I'm supposed to be called by family members, Sheriff and Sir are for the outsiders to call me" he said and you nodded, you wondered if they you could figure out now who Bubba actually was, because mama hadn't answered you when you've asked and no one seems to even talk about him, "So, I have one more question" you said and they looked at you, "Go ahead, Sweetie" Mama said, you felt a bit anxious thinking about asking this but you ignored it, "Who exactly is Bubba? You've talked about me being old friends with him but No one ever said who he was when I asked" You said and they went quiet, that's when you didn't ignore being anxious and just let it rise when you were sitting there quietly, Then Chop top started laughing "You really don't know who Bubba is?" He asked and laughed some more, You shook your head as a response, "Bubba is Leatherface" he said and kept laughing, Hitchhiker slapped him in the back of his head to stop him from laughing, "Wait? he's Leatherface?" You asked confused on if Chop top was telling the truth, "Yes, He is" mama responded a bit more quiet than usual.

Sheriff Hoyt pov

Oh great, So now she knows Who bubba is, Mama just has to keep telling her more about us than she already does, Honestly she doesn't deserve to know all of this stuff, I know I'm being kind to her but she really shouldn't be here, She's just being stupid by being here, she hasn't tried to run away so I could blow her head open or anything, she's just behaved, she's always been like that, she's always behaved and not minded anything that's been going on and it's dumb, Even as a kid she didn't care about what we did when she saw it, She probably didn't actually know what was going on but she still didn't feel scared at all, though, There was something about her that made us not kill her back then, probably because she was a kid but there had to be something else to it, because bubba never liked anyone or even trusted them because they made fun of him yet she was an exception, He liked being around her and she liked being around him even though he was very different from everyone else, he couldn't speak and everyone called him retarded, She stood up to those who did that, She Screamed at them and they were all actually afraid of her, "My real name is Nubbins" The hitchhiker said Which Made Hoyt snap out of his thoughts, "Nubbins?" Y/n asked and he nodded, "So, We have, Hoyt, Bubba, Nubbins and Chop top, Alot of names to remember" She said while having a very friendly tone of voice.

Back to normal

You were getting all this new information which it was quite nice but alot to remember, You wondered if Leatherface knows about you being his old friend, you needed to know, so you decided to ask them "Does.. Does Leatherface or Bubba know about me and him being Old friends?" You asked as you looked down at the ground wondering, "No, He hasn't been told and we aren't even sure if he remembers anything about it, just like you" Mama responded quite quickly, you looked up and then you got an idea "Maybe me and him can try to remember together? You could take us to the steps you remember we did together and we'll see if we get any memories about doing that" you said as a suggestion, Mama seemed to be quite happy about the suggestion while Hoyt did not, you wondered what his problem was but you let it slip out if your concerns quite quickly, "You'd really do that?" Mama asked with a smile on her face that went from ear to ear, "Of course, it would be something to do and since you say we were friends, I'd love to get back to being friends with him" you said smiling back, though the smile on your face didn't last long because if the pain on your cheek, "alright, We can do that, This will be fun for everyone then" Mama said happily, she seemed excited about this, "Um.. I know you said that I can just call you Mama, but I honestly would love to know what your name is" you said a but hesitantly, she looked at you as she got up from her chair "It's Luda Mae" She said As she smiled at you and then walked off to make the plans for today's activities.

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