chapter 29

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Mama pov

We were walking to the Slaughter house, Y/n Was very curious as to where we were going, she would sometimes ask "How long until we're there?", I had also noticed she tends to get tired of Walking easily, it's probably because from where she comes from, there's Alot of technology, it's ruining the world, children just spend their time inside on these phones and Computers, thankfully she isn't on hers constantly, she seems to want to spend time with us, after a long walk we made it, once Leatherface saw where we were, his eyes lit up and he ran to the entrance, Y/n Was Confused as to why we were at an abandoned slaughter house, We went to where Leatherface was waiting and we then went inside, it was dusty and old, very messy as well but still very similar to what it used to be, "Smells Alot like the basement" Y/n said, she sounded a bit unamused by the place, Leatherface on the other hand was filled with joy, he was going through all the tool boxes to find everything, I can tell he'll be taking alot of things home.

Y/n Pov

So, We're in this abandoned slaughter house, Leatherface seems happy about the fact we were here, there were alot of empty hooks coming from the roof, I found some butcher knives and Some hammers, I walked more in the place and I found the place where all the animals are killed, or, Were killed, It wouldn't be abandoned if it were still running, I don't know why this place seems so familiar, then again Mama wouldn't have brought us here if we hadn't been here when we were younger, it's odd to think we came here when we were little, I looked back to where Mama and Leatherface were, It's nice seeing him filled with so much joy, It's like he was a kid in a candy store, this was probably like the candy store for him, I wonder if it could be made into a new running Slaughter house, just get it fixed and cleaned up and then it could be as good as new, It would probably make them so happy, It would also mean that they wouldn't need to kill humans, though there isn't really any animals around, so I guess we'd need to make some farms as well, they have a few pigs ans chickens at their place but it's not enough, they're also very small ones, we need to get cows, chickens and big pigs to be kept and bred all around the place, that would be good, It's odd.. all I want to do is help them, I want to see them happy without having to have them murdering people, it would help populate the place and to make it stay like that, maybe then the slaughter house could be re-opened, all I want to do is See bubba live happily, I don't want them or him to be sent to the prison To be executed, from the amount they've killed, that's what they'd get.

Leatherface pov

I had been getting all the things I can and then I noticed that Y/n Was just standing far away, I think she was lost in her thoughts but she had been standing there for a long time just staring at nothing, it was making me a bit worried as to what was going on in her head, maybe it was just me worrying for nothing but seeing her stand there just staring at absolutely nothing was worrying, Then a sound was heard echoing through the whole Slaughter house, it snapped everyone out of their thoughts and everyone's Heads swung to the direction of the sound, it seemed to scare Y/n, She seemed to calm down but I saw the look of terror I'm her eyes, If was the ones I saw when we had kidnapped her, They were similar ones to the ones she had when she had a breakdown, when she kicked me in the face, it's weird how far we've come, She wanted to get home then and she was having a break down that was so bad that she had trouble breathing knowing she couldn't go home and now she can walk around freely, she isn't running away and she's just standing by our sides, How she's changed, she began walking towards the sound, "Y/n Don't" Mama whisper shouted, Y/n looked at Her and then at me and then continued very carefully Walking towards the sound, I looked at Mama and she looked at me, we then started going after after Y/n so She wouldn't get herself hurt more than she already is.

??? Pov (Cause of the noise)

I accidentally made a noise, I didn't mean to and it echoed through the Slaughter house, I was worried because who knows that homeless people live here, I was so mad that there wasn't any Internet or even any bars on my phone, at least I can hope to get some soon, after a while I started hearing one pair of footsteps, okay, easy enough to handle, but then I heard two pairs of footsteps coming after the first pair, great, three people, I just HAD to accidentally push over that wood slab, "Hello?" I heard some speak, it was a female, I stayed quiet because I didn't know who that was, " someone here?" She spoke again, I once again stayed quiet, "I promise I won't hurt you" she said, I guess that means she's rather A, a nice homeless person or b, she's not homeless, I started walking towards the females voice, after a while I came face to face with her, It looked like Y/n, Wait, Was it really?, "S/n?" (Sibling name) She asked, she sounded like she was about to cry, "Y/n?" I asked back, she nodded and we ran to each each other and hugged each other, I noticed she Grunted in pain when I hugged her tightly, I stopped hugging her because I wanted to look at her and then I noticed, her face had a huge cut on it, "What happened to your face?" I asked in horror, "Oh, well, a Robber out a Knife in my mouth and.." she stopped for a second, "He.. did this to you.." I finished it, she nodded "He also stabbed me on my chest and shoulder.." she said as she looked down, "I'm so sorry, I'm here to take you home" I said to her and her head shot up "No" she said, "What, why not?" I asked her, "Because..I have people I've decided to stay with.." she responded to my question instantly, "If you've been safe, why haven't you called or texted?" I asked her, I was a bit angry that she had us all worry so much, "Look at for phone and tell me what you see" she said as she crossed her arms, "Fair point.." I replied, "I'm sorry you had to worry, but I'm okay, really" she said and slightly smiled but she had to stop because of it hurting her, "Well, who did you decide to stay with?" I asked curiously, "The Hewitt's.." she said happily, "Oh, so they're your friends?" I asked as I tilted my head, she nodded.

Mama Pov

We listened to them talk, we hid behind a wall, "I heard two pairs of footsteps after you, Are they these Hewitt's?" The one we now know as S/n asked, "Y-yeah" Y/n Replied, I looked at Leatherface, "Give me the mask and the bloody apron, I'll hide them in the bag" I whispered to Leatherface, he looked at me and shook his head, "We can't have S/n seeing you with them, I'll give them back but not here, not until they left" I insisted, he looked down, for a second he seemed angry but then took them off, he knew this was true, he first gave me the apron and then his mask, I hid them in my bag so they couldn't be seen, he was clearly angry at having to take off the mask, "alright, let's just go there, introduce ourselves and we'll be okay" I whispered to him and he nodded.

Y/n Pov

I heard Leatherface and mama Walking this way, I was so nervous now, what were they gonna do? How would S/n react to them? Oh god. "Hello" Mama said, I turned to look at them and What I saw was something I didn't expect, My face once again went bright red when I saw Leatherface without his Mask, though I acted calm, "Hello" S/n replied to them, They looked at me after they looked at Mama and Leatherface, I saw that they noticed my face was bright red, they then looked back at Mama and Leatherface, "So, you must he the Hewitt's, yes?" They asked, "Yes, we are, I am Luda and this is Thomas" she replied to S/n, Thomas? Is that their cover up name for him? Just in case They'd remember Bubba? Odd, "Nice to meet you, I am S/n" They replied, "See, I told you had people to stay with" I said once my face had stopped being so red and I could walk out of the darkness to be able to be seen better, "Yes, she's in good hands" Mama said kindly, "I can tell she enjoys being with you" S/n said, I can tell they're teasing me because they saw me blush, if only they knew seeing Leatherface without his mask was not normal for me, God I hope they leave soon so that this won't be so awkward and so that they can tell Mom and dad that I'm okay.

((Sorry it takes like a week for me to be able to write a new chapter but at least it's not a Month, or a few months, I hope it never comes to that but who knows, depends on what goes on irl :D anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter, I hope it's getting somewhere lmao.))

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