chapter 17

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After a few throwing rocks here and there, some that hit you on the arm or head in some cases, Two pairs of footsteps could be heard, You looked at the doorway, Bleeding From the rocks that hit you on the head, Leatherface walked in and looked at you, The worry could be seen in his eyes even from this far away, He walked up-to you to examine the cuts, He touched one of them and you groaned at the touch, He could tell that it hurt bad, he noticed the dog, it was okay, He could tell that you had been protecting it, Mama was standing at the doorway, she seemed to be smiling but the worry couldn't be hidden from you, she walked closer to examine the chain and she nodded her head "It is one of our chains, Good eye, Leatherface" She said, She took the huge bunch of keys and started looking through them like she knew exactly which one it was but not where the key was from the bunch, after a while of her saying "No, Not this one" and so much more, she finally found the right one and she opened the chain she opened the other side of the chain that was holding onto something to keep you still so she could take it back with them, leatherface carefully picking you up and they started heading out, Normally you'd be afraid of going back there but now it felt more comforting, You wanted to fear it because you were held hostage there but you couldn't help but be happy about going back, You held the dog in your arms and it fell asleep quite fast, Before you knew it you fell asleep as well.

When you woke up you were on a bed instead of the cold basement floor, You had a few pillows under your head and a blanket ontop of you, The dog was sleeping ontop of the blanket at the end of the bed, You sat up and looked around, You were in a room, You saw you still had a chain on your leg, You had also a bathroom in the room, Thank God for that one, you noticed that on top of a table there was a new pair of clothing, A shirt, pants and underwear, You were feeling a little unsure of the underwear but they seem New and Clean, Much cleaner than yours, You decided it wouldn't hurt, besides, you thought yours might give you some kind of disease if you kept wearing them, You went into the bathroom, you wondered how the door would close but that question was answered by the small hole made just enough to fit the chain from to make sure the door closed, Perfect, you put the chain perfect there so you could close the door and then closed the door, you saw there was a shower, There was also shampoo so a shower didn't hurt.

Once you had taken a shower you got out and put on for new pair of clothes, Unfortunately they didn't bring a new bra, Well it made sense, they didn't know a cup size and maybe they didn't have them, you left the Dirty clothes into the bathroom, you put them in a pile and left them at the end of the sink, You felt refreshed but also very awkward about taking a shower in someone else's house, not to mention wearing Clothing that you don't know where they came from, you unlocked the door and opened it, you walked out and saw that at the table there was a bowl of beans and A cup of water, You were glad you'd be able to eat but felt awkward that someone came into the room while you were in the shower, Since you locked the door you knew everything was fine but it still felt awkward, You walked up-to them and took the bowl of beans and started eating, You left some for the dog since they might have not eaten anything in a while, You also drank and then left some for the dog, You mixed them both together and put the bowl on the floor and the dog ate and drank all of it, You wouldn't have left the poor thing to starve, Once it had done eating you took the bowl and put it on the table, You sat down on the ground and started playing with the dog, Soon There was a knock at the door, "Come in" you said and the door opened, It was mama, "Hello" she said and smiled, "Hi" you said in response, "Are you feeling better?" she asked, you were confused a bit and then remember that you had been hit in the head by rocks a couple of times "Y-yeah" you said, you didn't even look at yourself in the mirror when you went into the bathroom, How stupid were you to not look at yourself, "Well, We cleaned the cuts and bruises as best as we could when we got you here, they're not bad, don't worry" She said and you nodded "Thank you" you said to her, "You're welcome, Now, Where did You leave your clothes? I'll wash them for you" She said, "In the bathroom, At the end of the sink" You said, you felt awkward having someone else wash your clothing, She walked there and took the pile, She also took the Empty bowl and Glass, then she walked out of the room, That was something, you thought, Maybe things were turning around for you.

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