chapter 20

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"Are you alright?" You asked him, He shrugged as a response, He didn't even know how to respond, you felt really bad for him, he was yelled at for something he did do, by the person that was responsible for it non the less, he has the right to be angry, after a while of comforting and talking to him, you woke up all of the sudden, you must've fallen asleep there, you noticed you weren't chained, that confused you a little, you tried remembering how you might have fallen asleep, you remember that you had asked him to try and teach you some of his Noises, so you could understand some, he could only teach you the Yes and No since he couldn't speak, it took you a while, though eventually you kinda got the hang of it, leatherface wasn't anywhere to be seen so you walked out, It was very silent, you walked downstairs and started looking around the house, you decided not to go outside because that could lead you into trouble, you walked into what looked like the living room, what you expected to see was mama but who you found was one of leatherfaces brothers, "Uh.." you said awkwardly, You hadn't really seen him except those two times at the dinner table, "Who are you exactly?" you asked and he looked at you, "Hitchhiker, they call me Hitchhiker" he said, so leatherface and Hitchhiker, odd, "Alright, Where's everyone else?" you asked, "Oh, they went out to the Gas Station, they asked me to make sure you don't run off, Looks like o wasn't needed since you've walked straight past for front door to Here" he said, you nodded, you weren't expecting them to leave you with someone you barely knew, though, you do need to get to know everyone if you'll be living here from now on.. Those words still hurt you, you still wanted to go home but you knew that wasn't much of an option, you decided to shrug those thoughts out and just sat down on the other side of the couch, it was nice being able to walk around without restraints, you were lost in your thoughts till a pig walked past you, Wait, there's pigs inside the house?, you questioned, they seemed like nice pigs, Has it been fresh pig meat I've been eating? What about the chicken?, you questioned once again, you snapped out of your thoughts when you noticed that Hitchhiker was giving you confused glares, it's probably because you were just sitting there and staring into nothing, you probably didn't even blink, it's understandable that it would be weird, you felt awkward around him, mostly because again, you didn't really know him, "Can I ask? How many people live here exactly?" you asked and he looked at you, "Well, there's me, Leatherface, Chop top, Mama, Grandpa and the sheriff" he said, that's alot of mouths to feed, You noticed that there wasn't any mention of Bubba, or at least by that name, what do all of them do all day? Leatherface has the job of rather catching people or cutting them open, so what do the other do? Do they catch people as well, maybe the clues are in their names, okay, so, Leatherface is obvious, you know what he does, Hitchhiker has the name hitchhiker, so he hitchhikes, maybe that's how he catches his pray, There's the sheriff, he's someone who seems like you could trust for his job, that's a complete lie though, so he makes people trust him, there's mama, she works in the Gas Station, she seems to be the one in charge, she might be the one who contacts the sheriff for the pray and he contacts the others, then there's chop top, you have no idea what he might do, the name doesn't give any hints what so ever, At least to you, you'd just need to figure it out yourself somehow, you realized you had been staring into complete nothingness again, so you got up and walked to a window to look out, you noticed grandpa just sitting out there, you guessed he couldn't do much for his age, especially since he is also in a wheelchair, he might help somehow, he had to be useful to them, you sat down on the ground with your back against the wall and sighed, you were too afraid to even think about setting Foot out the house, you just decided to wait till the others got back.

[They must not remember] Leatherface x Reader Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat