Chapter 31 (Christmas!)

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((I decided to Add some Christmas to this since it is Christmas, so this is my Christmas present for you all, Merry Christmas))

Leatherface and I were really silent through out the walk home, I was really nervous when walking in that awkward silence, or maybe I was only thinking it was an awkward silence because he didn't seem awkward at all, the second we were at their property he put the bag down on the ground and took everything out carefully so he wouldn't damage them, he carefully took his mask out and put it on, he seemed to Relax once he had it on, I guess he was really stressed without it I'm not really sure if that's what it was but it's what it seemed like.

[Time skip a few days]

It's been a few days since I've seen S/n and it's been a few days since I've seen Leatherface without his mask, but we have started getting along better after that awkward silence and a walk that felt like years, I had really just noticed that he changes masks when he feels like it, He has clothes he wears with the masks and to me it's odd, I'm just curious, does he have some kind of mask collection somewhere?.. Should I actually even see that if he does?... I started thinking about it, I mean I should get to know him better so why not, It's not like I haven't seen him wearing them and it's not like j haven't seen him murder people so that's that.

I started looking for Leatherface to ask him about his masks, I found him outside just sitting and staring into nothing, "Hey." I said which caused him to snap out of whatever he was staring at and to look at me, I sat down next to him, he had a very slightly tilted head, I guess it's him asking me what I want, "I wanted to ask about your masks, I noticed how you change them sometimes and well I was wondering if you have a collection of them" I said as my way of answering to his tilted head, he lifted his head back and he seemed surprised I was interested in that, I smiled "If you don't mind, I'd kinda like to see Them", I saw his eyes light up as he got up and he helped me up as well, I guess he's happy that someone is interested in the things he likes.

Leatherface pov

She actually wants to see them? She does seem genuinely interested in them, maybe I can give her one? I mean at least one that I don't wear, maybe she wouldn't want to wear one but maybe.. what if I give her the mask I wore before I started wearing these, the muzzle would look nice on her but she might not want to wear it, who knows really, she seems Really curious and interested so maybe she does want one, this would maybe just be her way of Trying to not show that she wants one, I sighed and nodded, Her eyes filled with excitement which I could see, she started pulling me by my hand wanting to go inside to see them right away, "Come on!" She giggled as she pulled me the best she could, I followed her and of course she looked at me for guidance for where we'd go now, I have a few in my room so I guess that's where we'll go, I put a hand to her back and started scooting her over to the stairs, She held in a giggle and went to the stairs and ran up them quickly, I went up them and then showed her to my room, I opened the door and went inside, she followed me and examined the room, the room waw bright because of the light coming from outside, "Nice room" she looked at all the things I've collected and made to decorate my room better, I went to my bookshelf which wasn't used for books but for my masks, she noticed me looking at the bookshelf and walked over to me to see what I was looking at, She looked at the masks that were on it, there were a few there, The ones I use the most, there was my pretty lady mask, My old lady mask, ect, "Woah, so you do have a collection", I nodded as a response to her, She didn't seem Disgusted by them, probably because she's used to seeing me with them on and so on, Maybe I should give her the muzzle, Maybe I'll wait to give it to her later.

//Time skip a few months\\

Y/n Pov

It's been a few months since I saw one part of Bubba's mask collection, he also gave me permission to call him bubba instead of Leatherface which is nice, but now it was December, they didn't seem to have any holiday cheer, there was a bit but I made sure this year would be different, I told them How things work on Christmas and they tried their best, Of course the decorations weren't what Christmas usually was like but they did their best, I Made sure They knew about the presents, I told them there didn't need to be Alot, at least one for All, which I ended up giving all of them a present, I had went to the old cars At night, by myself, into that spider filled Woods but I did it for them, Thinking about how I'd wrap them up was hard because there wasn't anything really so I decided to use old broken clothes for that, as odd as it sounds, They had gotten a small decorated Tree, which was dying but again, they did their best, the night I had been done wrapping them, I went to put the gifts under the tree and waited until everyone woke up to celebrate.

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