chapter 8

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You were talking to C/N, you both knew what was going to happen to them so you two decided to enjoy the little while you two had together, they talked about their life, they mentioned so much about it, So many good things and so many bad, you also told them about yours and why you ended up here, after a little bit Leatherface walked downstairs, he instantly looked at C/N, you two thought this was it but then he just sat down, he was just watching, you had completely forgotten about the Things that went on upstairs for a second, so now things will be very weird, he's just watching as you and C/N talk, you two tried ignoring him and just continue on, at first when he had come down here he didn't look so happy or even care about anything that you two were talking about, but after a while he seemed interested in it, you two had noticed that he got interested in the conversation, after a long while, after you two got a bit more comfortable with him being there, you started to hear sounds coming from upstairs, like something was being hit onto the ground, leatherface looked around confused for a second and then went upstairs, you were confused about this, "What's going on?" C/N asked, "I don't know, I'm just as confused as you are" you said in response.

Leatherface pov

I went upstairs, I thought that was the call for intruders, but when I did get there I saw everyone sitting calmly in the living room, I relaxed a little, "Leatherface, Dear" mama started, now I was completely confused, I tilted my head, "We wanted to know how everything was going down there" she said, now that I think about it, it wasn't going too bad, they were minding their business and entertaining me with their stories, I responded to her with a thumb up, "It's going Good?" she asked and I nodded, "I see, that's fantastic!" she said happily, "But leatherface.. It's dinner time soon so.. You know what to do" she said and I nodded and headed down, I walked down and saw them talking again, they noticed me, I could tell the girl Knew that it was time, I noticed her sad face and couldn't help but feel bad a little, but I had to do what was right for the family.

Back to normal

You watched as leatherface walked towards C/N, at this point They weren't even Struggling as they were taken off the hook and put on his shoulder, "Goodbye, C/N" you said sadly, "Goodbye" They said as well, you could tell they were Sad, Mostly scared really, it was awful knowing what was going to happen to them, You sat down on the ground, and tried to think of anything to ignore the up coming screams, but they never did come, you just thought that they were holding them in.

((Hi, sorry for not writing anything in.. Three or four days, I've had a slight writers block and uh.. I'll try and keep thinking about things to keep this story going but it might take time, again I'm very sorry, see you all when I write some more.

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