chapter 32

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It had already been New year's and it was fun, Everyone was happy and just enjoying themselves, Everyone seemed to cherish the gifts I had got them too, I did the same, Whenever I'd help out with something in the kitchen I'd wear the apron, The Skull that Chop and Nubbins had made I kept on my nightstand, I wore the Muzzle everyday, it covered the awful Scar on my cheek so I was happy.. except for one detail, It was already a new year, far into the first month of it and I haven't gotten to call my family, I never got to tell them merry Christmas and happy New year, at least maybe this year I'll be able to get to reunite my family with The Sawyers, maybe then everything would be okay.

But changing subject, I ended up trying human, I didn't really notice the difference in meat, maybe it was because of the way they make it but who knows, maybe I could just like it.

Then there's Bubba, he's started to get clingy, he doesn't really want to leave my side and he often invites me down to the basement to help him with everything, sometimes I join him and other times I wouldn't have the time since I have my jobs to do and sometimes I just don't want to be down in the cold and get covered in blood.

So to say.. life is great, I've found things I like about every single one of them, With Mama it's my interest in cooking, helping her out in the kitchen is really nice and a refreshing for a change. With Hoyt We both care about the family, His care isn't really showing the same way as mine but it's there, when it comes to protecting them he's the first one with a gun pointed at the threat. Nubbins, Me and him we're both really into artistic things, even if our taste in it are different we can bond over it, He has a good hand for making those bone Decorations he does, It's Interesting to watch him make them, Chop top and I both like music, His music taste is really into rock and roll but that isn't a bad choice you dedicate your life to, since even the band's he listens to are good ones, we listen to those music's alot and just Chill, talk and he even sometimes tells the same stories of Vietnam for the hundredth time but I never mind, No one else really listens to him or even takes him seriously aside from his twin and maybe bubba so I decided to be the one he can tell the stories to as many times as he needs. Then there's grandpa, he's just nice to be around, we can just stay there quietly sitting and listening to the surroundings, he's the person I go to when I need to be in silence but also want to be around someone, the silence is nice and even sometimes we would chat quietly, no screaming just calm conversations. Now bubba, He's always there to help when needed and he's A giant teddy bear towards his family, He can get Grumpy but who doesn't?, When it comes to not being down in the basement, We enjoy going to the part of the forest mama showed us we used to play in, we would try and find all of the toys there are and examine them, sometimes we'd stack them up in a pile and just have fun.

I grew to love all of them, even if me and Hoyt's relationship was like a like hate relationship, we'd end up protecting each other non the less.

Today we were all hanging out outside, we were having fun and the Rock and roll music was almost at a maximum, until a Car showed up at the front of the house "what the?", "W-who are they?" Asked Nubbins, Chop top looked at Nubbins "No idea, I say we burn them!" He stopped talking and took out his lighter and shouted again "Burn them!" He laughed while he kept repeating the words with Nubbins, "Will you two shut up?" Hoyt tried to Shut them up and Mama was confused with Bubba and I, a Middle aged guy wearing A black shirt and some black Jeans got out the car, Bubba quickly turned around so he won't notice his leatherface, the guy walked over to Mama and I "This house in sale?", "no it isn't, beat it" mama spoke back as she crossed her arms, The guy rolled his eyes which landed on me, a smirk Appeared on his face "How about her? Is she for sale?", I let out an offended gasp and I wanted to hit the guy, but I wouldn't touch him with even the longest stick, I'd get The plague out of him no matter what, I heard bubba growl at the guy but I knew he couldn't turn around, I saw him use his hands to motion for the 3 to come here, the guy kept repeating if I was for sale even though mama keeps saying I'm not, Chop top and Nubbins pushed through Mama and I "Nope she ain't For sale, She's already Taken!" Chop said and Nubbins joined in "Y-yeah! She's taken and not for anyone else!", The guy scoffed "by who?", "our little brother bubba!" They both shouted at the same time, Taken? What do they mean by taken?, The guys attitude towards me changed instantly "Like anyone would want to actually date that Rag", I gasped again "Excuse me? You should look in a mirror before you speak!", "Oh so the Animal speaks? I wasn't expecting that" he spoke with crossed arms, I heard bubba growl again, Chop top and Nubbins were looking for any sigh from Mama to Get to murder him, they soon got a small nod from her, "Burn him!" Chop Shouted as he put his lighter on and Nubbins took out his pocket knife "Cut him to pieces!", The guy backed away "What the hell?", "Bubba go get Him! Hold him still!" Chop and Nubbins shouted, Bubba huffed and turned around, the guy screamed out in fear as he saw Bubba's face, Before he could even run away bubba had taken a hold of him, "Please don't hurt me I have a wife and children!" The guys shouted as he tried to struggle away, "You have a wife and children and you tried to get with Y/n? What kind of person are you?" Mama couldn't believe what she was hearing, The guy soon noticed Hoyt "Sheriff! Sheriff pleas help!", Hoyt soon walked over with a bottle of beer "What?", "aren't you going to arrest them? Look at them!" The guy shouted in disbelief, "Nah" Hoyt took another Sip of the bottle, chop and Nubbins were counting until they start "3..2..1..GO!" They shouted and soon started stabbing the guy as bubba held him still, it's things like these that remind me What kind of people I live with, yet I loved them.

After that, Everyone did their part and cleaned the mess up, we got new belongings out of the guys car and then it was dumped with the others, they made dinner out of him which Was lovely, those words were still stuck in my head, Taken? By who?, Our little brother bubba!. Those words were stuck in my head, what did they mean? Taken?, I'd need to question them later.

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