Chapter 35

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When I awoke from my slumber I had this memory, a memory of the dream? I am not sure but it felt so.. real, It felt like it had actually happened but.. I was a kid in that memory or was it just a dream? I'm not too sure.. all I know is it couldn't have just happened because I was a kid and waking up now I am back to being an adult, let me refresh it.

I was a little girl, running around laughing and not thinking about any consequences of anything I did, I ran to a house, I seemed familiar with the house.. but I myself don't recognize it, I knocked on the door and a lady opened the door for me and I ran in without even saying a word, Though she didn't seem to mind, the house was beautiful but there wasn't any time to admire it more because I ran to the living area, which had four people in it, one the oldest was shouting angrily, The two second oldest ones were fighting like they were about to kill each other, laughing and growling at each other, the youngest one was crying while holding his hands to his face, "Hi!" Is all I had to say for all of them to stop what they were doing, The youngest was still crying but he calmed down a little bit, he still had tears running down his eyes and he was sniffling, he quickly ran over to Hug me to calm down and most likely to feel safe. "Y/n i didn't expect you to come today" the oldest one spoke and I giggled as I held the youngest one close, patting his back and soothing him "I come everyday, silly!", "Yeah alright but you came at the wrong time-" he pulled the two second oldest ones away from each other since they still seemed like they were close to trying to murder each other, "How's so?" I tilted my head in confusion, "Well as you might have noticed.. Paul and Nubbins ain't behaving and bubba is a crying mess, though your visit isn't as bad of a problem since You calmed them down a bit but I don't even want to start believe that would last long" he spoke once more, i looked at the youngest and then the Second oldest ones, bubba, Nubbins and Paul, Paul? Whose Paul? I don't remember a Paul, I remember Nubbins and bubba, they're the Sawyer brothers, then there's chop top.. he never exactly said his real name to me, Is he Paul? Most likely since those two seemed like they were twins, and the One named Paul Did look like Chop Top but with Actually hair, the two twins struggled to get to one another, not in a nice matter, more in the "I'll reach you first and I'll murder you" kind of matter, what did they do to each other?, Bubba noticed the two trying to start it again and started weeping again, I pet his back and soothed him, I looked at the two "Can you to stop? Bubba is upset!" The two looked at me and then at bubba, "B-bubba it's o-okay! We're just playing!" "Y-Yeah what he said! We're just playing!" The two struggled to get out of the oldest ones who I've come to the conclusion is Drayton..'s grasp again but just to get out of it and not To attack one another, one they did they came over to make Bubba feel better, who I suppose is Chop top or Paul sat on the ground and let Bubba sit on his lap and cry whatever was left in his system left on his shoulder "B-Bubba it's okay.. everything i-is okay now..", Nubbins sat down on the ground as well and just pat his back, "He needs to quit whining.. he needs to grow up and be a man" Drayton spoke as he stared down at the three, the two and I glared at him while bubba kept weeping, "leave h-him alone D-drayton!" The two said angrily, "If you keep babying him he'll never grow up to be a man!", "Just leave him be Drayton" I said with my arms crossed, "Y/n Don't interfere with this, this is family busine-" "She is family!" The two screamed before he could finish his sentence, even bubba let out some grunts as a way of saying exactly what the two said, he huffed and was about to speak but then I woke up.

It's funny that it feels so real, the people in it are real and Everything but The house was different, I quickly got up to see if Any of these things I've learned from that dream was true, I went downstairs and into the living room, I grandpa was starting to seem older, not too long ago he lost his ability to speak, poor guy, I looked over to mama who was Humming and sometimes very quietly singing something about a hummingbird, then I looked over at Drayton and Hoyt, The two we're talking about something, I'll just not trouble even thinking about what, Then there was Bubba and the twins, The twins we're trying to Tease him like usual but bubba wasn't having any of it so he grabbed both of them in a headlock, "Retreat! Retreat!" I could hear them both screaming and bubba laughing in return, I walked over to them and laughed at them "Having fun?", Bubba made an "Uh-huh" and the twins laughed and tried to get out of their headlocks, "can I ask a question? I had the weirdest dream and I wanna know if these things i learned were true" I sat down next to them and bubba released them from their headlocks, the three waited for me to Ask my questions, I started with the house, asking if the house was real by Explaining the Way the house looked, the Walls, the ceiling, the floors and the decorations and Everything I could remember, "That sounds like our old house! The one we used to live in when we were younger" "yeah what he said!" Bubba nodded to them Both, "so that's a check.. Next is uh.. well I kinda Heard a name I haven't heard before, It was Paul and the guy it was Referred to is Well Chop top, or the guy that looked like you", the three looked at each other "are you sure This was a dream?" The two asked, "Yeah, why?", "Cause that is my name, I don't know how you would have known that without it being more than a dream", "Are you saying I remembered something?" The three laughed as I made it sound a bit stupid and I laughed with them but they all nodded, "well if it was a memory then Drayton was a Jerk when we were younger too.. and you two tried to murder each other, bubba was as soft as he in now" the twins chuckled and bubba let out what I could presume as an embarrassed mumble, I giggled "It's okay bubba, don't take it badly, being soft is not a bad thing", the twins looked at each other and smirked "Well we gotta go take care of something, We'll see you later!" The twins got up and ran somewhere (they're hiding and watching from afar), bubba mumbled more things trying to ask stuff about the Dream I had, "do you want me to explain the whole thing? Cause I can do that so you know what I saw" he nodded as a reply and I took a deep breath and started to explain the dream as best to him as possible, he would try and ask questions during alot of it and when It was obviously him in the dream he would still ask "mah?" As in asking if that was him, I'd just chuckled and nod, eventually when I had explained the thing to the end he tried to progress what I had just told him, once he got something he tried to explain it, it took me a while but eventually I did understand that he was saying "that was like a normal day for us", so the dream was a memory, Odd way to get one but it's better than not remembering them at all, I decided to get up and tell mama I had a Memory of the past and she was delighted to hear that, Drayton and Hoyt weren't so delighted to hear that, from the corner of my eye I could see the two look at each other with some un Happy emotion, let's just hope they aren't planning anything bad.. because I've had enough of that.

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