Dances & The Final Goodbye

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The song Bad Romance by Lady Gaga played through the room, laughs and cheers filled the room. Mystery sat with Ash as the two talked. "As soon as we heard that you two were getting married...Mae went nuts." Mystery chuckled looking at Ash who had a smile on her face. "I haven't seen Mae in ages, how old is she now?" She asked curiously "14, but she still acts like a 5 year old." Mystery sighed shaking her head "Certainly keeps me and Flynn on our feet I'll tell you that."

Flynn and Johnny stood outside, the two watching three animals rushing towards them. Another black cat with bright red eyes and a turquoise dress jumped towards them, while two koalas hurried after her "Mae! Slow down!" One of them shouted breathless, Johnny raised an eyebrow and let out a small chuckle as he watched them all "Mae, Buster and Chet." Flynn nodded and turned to the gorilla and smiled as the three made their way over to the two. "Johnny! Johnny! Johnny! Johnny!" Mae shouted excitedly as she jumped up and down, before hugging Johnny tightly. Johnny leant down and wrapped his arms around the short cat before moving away and stepping back as the two koala's smiled "Johnny, I heard about everything that happened to you, oh gosh! That sounds like such a journey." Chet shouted, eyes full of excitement. Buster chuckled and looked at Johnny "It's really nice to see you again, Johnny. I had a feeling that you and Ash would end up getting married." He admitted as he placed an arm around Chet. "I never thought we would, but here we are now." Johnny murmured nervously as the two koala's made their way into join everyone else.

A few hours had passed and finally Ash and Johnny got to dance. Arms around each other as the two danced slowly, tears in Ash's eyes. "Today has been a great day, I'm happy that I can call you my wife. I love you, Ash." Johnny whispered softly as he held Ash close. "I know, Johnny. Everything we've been through almost feels like a simple mistake, but it's not. I love you too." She added with a sniffle. The two stopped dancing as they turned to Gunter who got everyone's attention "Congratulation to the newly wedded couple! I spoke to Ash and Johnny about this and they thought it'd be a little fun idea!" Gunter chuckled making his way to the dance floor, a clipboard in his hand "In honour of Ash and Johnny, we've partnered you all up with someone to dance with! That's right, we're all having a go dancing and first up is...Nana and Dexter!" He chuckled making his way over to Johnny and Ash who stood on the side of the dance floor "Come on Dexter! Let's boogie!" Nana laughed as she grabbed the older gorilla's arm and dragged him onto the dance floor "I've also chosen what type of dances everyone should do. So Nana and Dexter will be doing the cha cha!" Gunter chuckled playing some cha cha music. Johnny looked at Ash embarrassedly as the two started dancing "Oh my! They're really good!" Rosita shouted watching them. Ash turned to Johnny as a smile grew on her face "It's fine Johnny, don't be embarrassed! This is awesome!" Ash shouted watching the two older animals do the cha cha, both of them in sync as they danced. "This is living on the edge, Dexter!" Nana shouted happily as she looked at Dexter "You're right!" Dexter chuckled as the dance came to a end. Everyone let a huge cheer as the two bowed, they made their way off the dance floor as Gunter cleared his throat.

"The next two are very good friends with Ash and Johnny, in fact their high school sweethearts! Make way for Flynn and Mystery! These two will be doing a slow dance." Gunter chuckled. Ash looked at the two as she let out a small chuckle herself "Seriously? Please no..." Mystery mumbled softly as she looked at the ground "I'm not dancing...if we have to dance Chet and Buster have to as well!" She shouted with a grin. "Sure, I'm up for a slow dance, Chet?" Buster asked extending a hand to his partner "Of course." Chet murmured softly as he took Buster's hand. "Alright then, since the four of you are doing this why not do a small competition?" Gunter spoke evilly as he stared at the four animals that had made their way on to the dancefloor. "God...please no." the older black cat whispered under her breath "Oh, come on, why not? You like dancing. That and it'll be fun to beat Moon and Chet." Flynn chuckled looking at the two koala's who glared at him. "Fine...but this better be quick." She mumbled, not bothering to look at any of the animals before them. Flynn smiled as he looked at Gunter who nodded at them. Placing his hand on the black cat's shoulder, the four animals began to dance. Johnny stood beside Ash as the two giggled at the four animals on the dancefloor "This should be interesting considering what happened at graduation...she pushed poor Flynn in the fountain, but in the process poor Chet got stepped on and all three started fighting. Until you, me and Mr Moon broke it up." Johnny laughed softly, remembering their graduation.

Flynn raised an eyebrow as he looked at his partner confusedly, she kept looking down at the ground and wouldn't look at anyone "What's up with you?" He asked raising an eyebrow "I can't do this..." She huffed taking a few steps back, before walking over to Johnny and Ash "Here Ash, go dance with him so he's not lonely." Johnny murmured, gesturing his wife over towards the confused fox on the dancefloor. Nodding, Ash walked over and began slow dancing with Flynn. Gunter examined the four animals, paying close attention to the both of them. Buster and Chet were killing it, everyone was cheering while Flynn and Ash decided it'd be best to let them win. The music stopped and everyone cheered "Well done to Buster and Chet for winning that one!" Gunter cheered as the two koala's bowed, holding each others paws as they got off the dancefloor, followed by Ash and Flynn.

"Okay! Time for the next pair which are probably gonna be the best, me and Rosita are gonna be-" Before Gunter could finish, a piece of cake went flying past him and hit someone. Everyone looked over at the cake to see Mae standing on the table, holding cake in her hands as she laughed nervously "Sorry Chet...didn't mean to hit you, I was trying to aim for Johnny..." Ash turned around and looked at Chet as she covered her mouth. The koala was covered in cake, his eyebrows in a huge frown as he took a few steps forward to the young black cat "You're gonna pay for that!" He shouted, stomping over to the cake and picking up a big piece. He threw the cake at Mae, or so he thought so. There was a big gasp from everyone as the elderly sheep stood up, Chet's eyes grew wide as he quickly ran back to Buster and hid behind his partner. "How dare you!" She hissed, picking up some cake and throwing it at Mike who let out a loud scream "I CAN'T SEE! I'M BLIND!" He cried, trying to move. "Food fight!" Gunter chuckled running towards the cake as poor Johnny got a face of cake "You up for this?" He asked, turning to his wife who nodded "Of course!" She shouted as the two raced over to the cake. Cake went flying everywhere, no animal was left untouched, except Phil who stood at the door, admiring the disaster before him. Laughs, cheers and screams of happiness filled the air.

Finally, the wedding came to an end. Everyone left, happy and covered in cake. Mystery helped Ash and Johnny while Chet and Buster cleaned the cake off the walls of the building. "I can't thank you guys enough for coming." Ash murmured happily as placed the last of the rubbish in the bin "Anytime, thanks for putting up with us I guess and tuckering this big baby out." Mystery chuckled as she leant down and picked up her younger sister who was fast asleep. "We got the last of the cake off the walls!" Chet shouted, rushing over to the two animals, followed by Buster. "Thanks you guys, you really didn't have to stay and help." Ash sighed happily "It was no trouble, besides that cake tasted really nice." Buster chuckled as he wrapped an arm around Chet who rubbed his eyes "We have to catch up one last time before you and Johnny leave." Flynn added as he and Johnny walked over to the small group of animals.

"You can count on that." Ash agreed with a nod as the four animals made their way to the door "See ya round guys and once again, congrats." Chet shouted with a smile as the four animals waved as they left the building. "We should get heading home ourselves. I'm tuckered out and so are you by the looks of things." Johnny chuckled softly as he picked her up and headed outside to his car. "Yeah...I need sleep, I was up all night last night, I was just so excited." Ash yawned as Johnny placed her in the car, before getting in himself. "I couldn't agree more, Ash." He whispered with a smile as he put a hand on his wife who had fallen asleep within a few seconds.

The End

The Fear Of Falling Apart (Sing! Fanfiction) Johnny x Ash.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن