Sadness and Happiness.

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Oh my gosh! Guuuuyyyyyyyssssss I'm so sorry for making you all wait so long for the next chapter. D: I've still got school and I'm quiet sick at the moment (woohoo for winter). Next week, expect a new chapter every three days (if I'm not lazy about it).

All five animals walked down the hall, all silently walking. Dexter looked down at Johnny who's head hung low as he walked. "Everyone stop being so depressed, put your happy faces on." Nana said, rolling her eyes. Cedric looked at Nana with a similar look "Miss Noodleman is right! It's not like Ashley's dead or anything. " Cedric admitted as he looked at Marlene who nodded in agreement "Your all right, the same thing goes for you, Johnny. Be happy son, not upset." Dexter said as he placed a hand on Johnny's back. Johnny sighed and smiled slightly "A-alright..." he said softly. "That's my boy." Dexter chuckled softly.

"Room 180, 181, 182, 183...ah! Here it is! 184." Nana shouted as she and the other animals made their way towards the door "Should we knock?" Cedric asked confusedly. Marlene shook her head "There's no need to knock Cedric, it's not like this is her apartment or anything." Marlene said shaking her head. Standing forward, Marlene opened the door and hurried in with Cedric by her side, followed by Nana. Dexter turned to Johnny who stood behind him "Dad...I-I can't..." Johnny sniffed "I-it was me that hurt her in the first place....I'm the reason why she's in the hospital..." Johnny shook his head before taking a step back. "You can my son." Dexter reassured Johnny as he placed a hand on his shoulder. Johnny looked at his dad, his expression sad as ever "It'll be alright Johnny, I promise you." Dexter said softly to Johnny. Johnny nodded and walked in beside Dexter "How are you so calm about being in the hospital Ashley?!" Cedric asked, shocked. Ash shrugged "It's not as bad as everyone's making it out to be, it's not even broken...surprisingly, it's just bruised...badly." Ash smiled slightly "But the doctor said there was blood! How the heck is your bone not broken?!" Cedric shouted confusedly "Cedric! Not so loud!" Marlene shouted. Nana face palmed herself "I'm surrounded by idiots..." Nana muttered under her breath. Johnny made his way towards Ash, turning around and looking at him she smiled softly "Hey...Johnny..." she spoke softly. Johnny shook his head her as he looked at Ash "A-Ash...I-I'm sorry..." Johnny lowered his head and bite his lip as he spoke, trying to hold back tears "It's fine, Johnny. You don't need to be sorry about anything." Ash spoke softly. Johnny pulled Ash close and hugged her, Ash returned the hug.

The Fear Of Falling Apart (Sing! Fanfiction) Johnny x Ash.Where stories live. Discover now