Classified Information.

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Dexter, Nana, Phil, Cedric and Marlene sat at a table. All five remained silent, their heads lowered, expect Phil who looked around at everyone awkwardly. Clearing his throat, all four animals looked up at him "I suggest-" before Phil could finish the phone rang, frowning Phil walked to the phone and picked it up. "Hello? Miss Noodleman's house-oh, I see...yep...okay, bye." Phil put the phone down and looked at all four animals that stared back at him "Uh...Miss Noodleman! Dexter! They need you two down at the station, they've found Johnny." Phil said walking out of the room "Let's go!" Nana shouted as her, Dexter, Cedric and Marlene ran after Phil. Shaking his head, Phil hopped in the front of the car and shut the door behind himself.

~Few minutes pass and they all arrive down at the police station.~

Phil opened the door for Nana, Nana got out followed by Dexter, Cedric and Marlene "So they found Johnny? What about Ashley?" Marlene asked rubbing her eyes. Phil shrugged "Most likely, I guess." Phil said as he walked beside Nana. Opening the door, they all walked in. Chief Ezra looked at them and indicated for them to follow him. All five animals followed Chief Ezra and piled into his office, Phil shut the door and stood at it. Chief Ezra sighed and looked at Dexter with a stern look. "So, you found Johnny?" Dexter asked hopefully. Chief Ezra sighed and shook his head "We know where he was, we got a call from a young lady last night saying that she saw Johnny, we think we know where he's headed, half of the police force are getting ready to catch him." Chief Ezra said smirking "What about my little Ashley?" Marlene sniffed as Cedric cuddled her. Chief Ezra rolled his eyes "It's possible that she may be with him. We'll let you know what happens when we find him." Chief Ezra said standing up.

"Wait, who called and said that they saw Johnny?" Dexter asked out of curiosity. Chief Ezra shook his head "Sorry Dexter, that's classified information we can't tell you-" "And why not?!" Dexter shouted as he stood up quickly and slammed his hands on the desk. Chief Ezra looked at Dexter and frowned "It's against our policy, that's why." Chief Ezra said, trying his best to stay calm "Besides Dexter, if I told you who told us, I'd have to put you behind bars again. Now, we wouldn't want that, would we?" Chief Ezra laughed smirking "Now, good day." Chief Ezra said returning to his chair. Phil shook his head and opened the door for the four animals who proceed to head out the door. When everyone was out, Phil followed them and shut the door behind himself and ran after the others. "Darn Chief Ezra...a jerk as always." Dexter thought to himself, rolling his eyes as he got in the car. burt

The Fear Of Falling Apart (Sing! Fanfiction) Johnny x Ash.Where stories live. Discover now