Trouble And Tears.

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Johnny stopped the car and looking at the sky, the stars shinning as bright as ever. Sighing he nudged Ash "Time to wake up baby." Johnny said softly, opening her eyes she looked up at Johnny and smiled before leaning up to kiss him. The couple shared a tender kiss for a few minutes before Johnny moved away "Hungry?" Johnny asked raising an eyebrow "Heck yeah! That and my legs are killing me." Ash laughed stretching. Nodding, Johnny opened the door and hopped out of the truck, followed by Ash. Johnny turned around and faced Ash. She walked towards him and held his hand.

Smiling at each other they both headed into the diner "Wait here, I'll go and order us something, okay?" Johnny said letting go of Ash's hand and looking at her. "O-okay..." Ash said nervously as Johnny walked up to the counter.

*Ash's POV*

"In my opinion, we should just get food and then hangout instead of messaging around...the soon we get on the road, the better." I thought to myself and sighed. I looked over to see what Johnny was doing, when..."Oh no...not you again." I thought to myself, cringing slightly. Shaking my head and lowering it I had to look again to see if it was really them. It was. It was Becky and Claudette.

Gulping Ash tried her best to look hidden by having her head held down low, followed by her body. Laughing, Becky made her way towards Ash. "Oh, hi sweetie! Fancy seeing you here, now isn't it?" Becky smirked. Ash looked up at her and moved away "What do you want Becky?" Ash said rolling her eyes "Naw, what's it to you what I want? The only thing that matters to me is getting that boyfriend of your's in jail where he belongs! He killed my boyfriend." Becky said shooting a stuck up, angry look. Shrugging, Ash sighed "Who cares, Lance was a jerk-" "That's the part you were wrong about sweetie. You see, he treated you like a jerk. Not me." Becky giggled happily "He didn't REALLY care about you like you thought he did. He was only using you." Becky said looking at her nails "Wow, take a look out at all of this crap coming from one girls mouth." Ash said rolling her eyes "Oh, but it isn't lies, it's all true sweetie. A thousand percent, Lance never did love you, so pretty him, you were pretty much a dog toy for him to play with when he was bored. And the rest of you? Ugh who cares, who cares about your lame life with your lame little boyfriend, the amount of people that would do anything to kill YOU after what happened to MY boyfriend!" Becky laughed, Ash shook her head "Get lost Becky." Ash spat in Becky's face "No." Becky hissed and smirked "Face it! No one loves you, no one ever will. Why do you think Finnic left you? He wanted to come to collage with me, so he could get away from your hideous face." Becky giggled, Ash's eyes grew wide "Stop with the jokes Becky." Ash said frowning. "Oh, but it isn't. Finnic told me how annoying you were to live with, yet alone be around. No wonder why we started dating and planned to move far away from you." Becky snorted, standing closer to Ash. "NO! YOUR WRONG! FIN LOVES ME!" Ash shouted, tears rolling down her face "But he didn't, he told me so." Becky snickered "Man, what a wimp. I wonder why Lance even bothered with dating her in the first place." Becky thought rolling her eyes.

"Oh. My, GOD! Johnnybear!" Claudette shouted and ran over to Johnny and held him in a tight hug "Agh! Get off me!" Johnny shouted, getting Claudette off himself. "What are you doing here?" Johnny asked rolling his eyes "I'm here to win you back, baby!" Claudette shouted happily, winking at Johnny "No, No. Sorry but no. Your freaking hideous and have the personality of a donkey." Johnny said looking around to see Becky with Ash, shouting things at her. Sighing, Johnny walked over to Becky and Ash and picked Ash up "Watch it Becky or it'll be you next time." Johnny threatened as he walked out with Ash in his arms. Becky smirked and picked up a phone "You'll be the one wanting to watch your back, Johnny." Becky giggled, putting the phone up to her ear.

Johnny's arm remained around Ash as he began to drive, once again. Sobbing, Ash's head remained on his leg "What did she say to you that made you start crying?" Johnny asked softly "S-she said t-that the only reason...why Fin went to university for was so that he could be with Becky...and so he could get away from me..." Ash sobbed lowering her head. "Ash, you've gotta push past the fact that Becky was trying to make you upset. Don't listen to her, cause that's exactly what she wants you to do." Johnny said, softly stroking Ash's quills.

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