Wanted News.

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Dexter's head hung low, sighing he looked at a photo of Johnny "You where so happy that day my son...your 19th birthday was a successful thanks to Ash..." Dexter said whipping his eyes. Nana stood at the door, her face in a huge depressed look. Phil walked up to Nana "Miss Noodleman, there are two animals here to see you." Phil said looking at Nana. Nana nodded "Let them in Phil. They're needed here as much as Johnny is at the moment..." Nana sighed walking in the room that Dexter remained in. Nodding, Phil ran to the door and opened it. "How are you doing Dexter?" Nana asked putting an hand on his back, Dexter sighed and shook his head "Still sad...?" Nana asked before pulling a face. What a dumb question to ask.

"Miss Noodleman, Dexter! There's a officer here to talk to the both of you!" Phil shouted, shocked Dexter stood up "They found Johnny?!" He thought, his eyes beginning to water. Nana took Dexter's arm and looked at him, nodding the both of them walked to the door and stopped. "Please, come in Chief Ezra." Nana suggested as her and Dexter sat down beside Cedric and Marlene. "So where are Johnny and Ash?" Chief Ezra asked raising an eyebrow, as he held a pen and notebook in both hands. Cedric shook his head "No one knows." Cedric said putting a hand on Marlene "I just want my little girl back home safely." Marlene sobbed, Dexter looked at Chief Ezra "We don't know, Johnny left with Ash quiet possibly a few days ago, well at least what we know of." Dexter admitted scratching the back of his head, Chief Ezra nodded as he wrote down in his notebook "Is that a fact Dexter? Or are you lying again?" Chief Ezra frowned moving closer toward Dexter. Standing up, Dexter looked Chief Ezra straight in the eyes "I can assure you that I'm not lying 'Chief'" Dexter spat "Hiding the truth about where your son is to save your own butt? Cute." Chief Ezra laughed.

Nana stood up and split the two males apart and stood in front of Dexter "Think about what you say before you come into MY house! I do not appreciate you treating my good friend Dexter like this. He is indeed telling the truth since Johnny left with Ash without telling any of us. If they told us of course we would of went to the police station!" Nana spat in Chief Ezra's face. Frowning Chief Ezra stood back and cleared his throat "Well, it's been nice talking to you. Miss Noodleman, Cedric, Marlene. Dexter. Good day to all of you." Chief Ezra hissed and walked out. Sighing, Dexter sat down. Nana turned to Marlene and Cedric "Would you two like to stay until we get any word on the children where about?" Nana asked raising an eyebrow. Cedric looked at Nana and nodded "We'd like that. Cedric smiled. Nana nodded and sat down beside Dexter and put a hand on his back "Don't you worry, Dexter. We'll find Johnny. Just you wait." Nana thought to herself as she stroked Dexter's back.

The Fear Of Falling Apart (Sing! Fanfiction) Johnny x Ash.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu