High Hopes

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Dexter cleared his throat and knocked on the door, "Ash? You ready?"

"Yeah! I'm ready!" Ash shouted as she opened the door and walked past Dexter over toward Phil.

Phil stood beside Nana who looked at Ash, "Are you ready to get him back, my child?" Nana asked sweetly.

Ash nodded, she faced Dexter who smiled back at her, "Let's go get my son back."

They must have butterflies, that's understandable considering there is a 50/50 chance of getting Johnny out of jail...hopefully we manage to thanks to Nana." Phil parked the car and looked at the three animals in the back, all three looked at Phil nervously "Don't stress guys, I believe that we'll get Johnny out." Phil reassured the stressed animals. "Jeez, Phil. I hope your right." Ash sighed before getting out of the car. All four animals got out of the car and walked inside the court room. Ash stopped before she saw five familar faces.

Tears stung her eyes as she walked over to them "Good to see you again, Ash!" Buster shouted, standing up he made his way over to her and gave her a big hug. "It's been too long." Rosita said happily as she and Gunter walked over to Ash. Meena walked over to the female porccuipine with Mike on her shoulder, Ash looked up at Mike and frowned slightly "Look, kid. I'm sorry okay? I-I know it's my fault that Johnny was caught by Chief Ezra...he threatened to put me behind bars and I...I couldn't go through with it...I'm sorry kid." Mike sighed as he put a hand on the back of his head. Ash shook her head and smiled "It's fine Mike...I-I forgive you. It's in the past, the main thing is that we manage to get Johnny out of there." Ash said taking a step back.

All five animals nodded and sat back down, Ash walked over to Nana, Dexter and Phil. She sat down beside Phil who looked at her "We'll get him, Ash. Don't you worry." Phil whispered as he looked up to see the judge enter the room. Ash nodded "I know, Phil. I know."

~Johnny's POV~

I sat on the prision bed, my entire body was covered in bruises, all I felt was pain. I couldn't help it. I wanted to scream, to cry but I couldn't. No matter how hard I tried, it didn't work. The cell door opened, I turned around to see that Chief Ezra stood at the entrance with two guards beside him. "Come on monkey, get to your feet!" Chief Ezra spat. He walked over to me, grabbed my hands and cuffed them. "Stand!" He shouted, I stood up quickly and wondered what was going on. They weren't going to beat me again? Or would they. I don't know anymore.

Chief Ezra, with the help of two guards brought Johnny into the court room, his eyes grew wide as he saw everyone. Everyone he loved and cared about. Everyone was here for him, to help bail him out. The only question though...would they be able to get him out? Dexter looked at his son, tears streaming down his cheeks "J-Johnny...what have they done to you...?" Dexter whispered softly as tears ran down his cheeks. Nana placed a hand on his shoulder "It's okay, Dexter." she whispered comfortedly.

~30 minutes pass.~

The judge read the piece of paper that lay infront of her, Chief Ezra stood at the exit, his eyes glued on Johnny. Ash looked at Johnny, she couldn't get over how hurt he looked, she couldn't get over all of the bruises seen on his face. The judge cleared her throat and looked around "Order in the courtroom! Shush all of you! After hearing bothside, very clearly, once again. I've come to conclusion that..." the judge announced looking around the room. "I knew it...we failed to get Johnny bailed out of prison..." Dexter thought to himself sadly as he lowered his head.

The judge hit her hammer on the desk "Johnny is not guilty! He's free to be released from prison." the judge said looking at the angered Chief Ezra. One of the guards walked over to Johnny and removed the handcuffs. Johnny looked at his friends and family, his eyes full of happiness. He walked over to them, Ash ran up to Johnny and hugged him tightly, Johnny returned the tight hug and sighed "It's so good to be back-" before Johnny could finish, Ash cut him off with a kiss on the lips which surprised Johnny.

Dexter walked over to his son, Ash moved out of the way and watched the two. Dexter picked his son up and hugged him tightly "Johnny! My boy! Your free! It's so good to have you back!" Dexter shouted as tears of happiness poured down his cheeks. "You know what?" Ash said looking at Phil "What would that be, Ash?" Phil questioned. "You where right about getting Johnny back, it's like you knew we'd get him back." Ash said to Phil smiling "Well-" before Phil could finish, Ash gave him a hug "Thank you for everything you've done, Phil."

~A few weeks later~

"Ash! Where are you taking me? And why do I have to wear a blindfold-" Johnny complained before being cut off by Ash "Shush! Okay...open your eyes!" Ash shouted as she took the blindfold off the gorilla. Johnny opened his eyes to see all of his friends and loved ones standing at the backyard "We decided to throw a proper welcome home party, it's a few weeks late but, better later then sorry." Ash laughed running over to Leyton. Johnny walked over his dad and gave him a hug, Dexter returned the hug and smiled.

Ash stood beside Leyton as the pair spoke, Leyton turned around and tapped Ash on the shoulder. Ash spun around and looked at where her older brother was looking. Marlene and Cedric walked into the yard and made their way to Ash and Leyton. "Ashley...we'd like to apologise to you...for the way we acted." Cedric began "We were wrong about Guilbert, if you love him darling then you be with him. We won't stop you." Marlene sighed as her and Cedric walked out of the backyard before Ash got a chance to say anything. Leyton hugged his little sister and sighed "It's alright, Ash. They know. Don't worry." Leyton said softly.

The Fear Of Falling Apart (Sing! Fanfiction) Johnny x Ash.Where stories live. Discover now