Catching Up With The Oldies.

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"Phil! Get the door!" Nana shouted, Phil ran towards the door and opened it to see Ash and Johnny standing side by side. Nana pushed poor Phil out of the road and smiled "Good to see the both of you again! Come in, come in!" Nana cheered as she stood to the side as Ash and Johnny walked in. Johnny looked around and stopped "Nana, where's my dad?" Johnny asked confusedly as he looked around for his dad. "My son! It's so good to see you again!" Dexter shouted happily as he walked towards Johnny and gave him a hug. "Hi dad." Johnny laughed. "Phil! Take Ash's and Johnny's stuff to their room!" Nana ordered, quickly Phil nodded, picked up their stuff and ran down the hall way. Johnny looked at Dexter "Dad, I need to talk to you." "I know, Nana told me. Come on." Dexter said as he and Johnny walked away, leaving Ash with Nana. Nana and Ash sat down, Nana looked at Ash and smiled "So, how have you and Johnny been?" Nana asked as she took a sip of tea "We've been better honestly...but we're doing good." Ash said, smiling slightly. Nana nodded "So about these dreams that Johnny has been having...has he hurt you in anyway?" Nana asked raising an eyebrow "What? N-no! Nana, he'd never hurt me." Ash exclaimed, stunned. Nana looked at Ash, her expression not changing. Ash sighed "He hasn't hurt me, he just yells at me a lot...especially when we fight." Nana nodded "Would the two of you like to stay the night?" Nana suggested, Ash looked at Nana and laughed "Why do you think we brought our stuff? Of course we will." Nana let out a chuckle and poured herself some more tea.

Dexter sat beside Johnny, his hand on his sons back "It's alright Johnny, take all the time you need. You don't need to tell me straight away." Dexter said as he comforted his son. "'s alright dad. I-I'm ready." Johnny spoke softly as he looked at his father "I-I know it's just a dream... but the police are always chasing me in it...I-I don't know...I then twist my ankle but still manage to get away. Though one of the voices sound awfully familiar....I can't put my finger on who's voice it is though....and that's when it ends...I either wake up crying, screaming or shouting." Johnny sighed as he lowered his head "I can't help but snap at Ash whenever I wake up...s-she just asks me what's wrong all the gets annoying sometimes..." Dexter looked at Johnny "At least you have someone that cares about you my son, you should be happy you have Ash Johnny." Dexter reassured Johnny before standing up. "I've got something to tell you tomorrow...something I should of told you along time ago..." Dexter sighed before walking inside. Johnny sat on the concreate and watched the sunset, thoughts rushing through his mind.

~A few hours past and it's night time~

Ash laid beside Johnny, her eyes fixed on the roof, sighing she sat up. Johnny opened an eye and looked at her "Hey, what's wrong Ash?" Johnny asked, sitting up. "Just...these dreams you keep having...what if one day you end up hurting me instead of yelling at me? What if something bad happens to you?" Ash whimpered. Johnny shook his head and pulled Ash into a hug "Don't be like that, there's no need to work yourself up for something that's never gonna happen." Johnny spoke softly "I'll never hurt you...nothing will ever happen to us. Don't worry." Johnny whispered. "I hope your right, Johnny." Ash sighed "Of course I am." Johnny chuckled as he cuddled Ash.

The Fear Of Falling Apart (Sing! Fanfiction) Johnny x Ash.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن