Saying I Do & Old Faces

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Phil sat in the dining room with Nana, his eyes scanning the guest list "Wait...Buster-" Phil's mouth dropped open as he looked at Nana who laughed and nodded "Oh, okay then..." Phil cleared his throat as he looked at Nana "You sure these four are gonna be coming?" He asked confusedly. Nana nodded as a smile grew on her face "Of course, he contacted me yesterday to confirm that their gonna be attending. Ash and Johnny think they aren't coming though, so this'll be a BIG surprise for them." Nana chuckled, still smiling.

Ash sat down in front of a mirror as Nana did her makeup "I can't believe your getting seems like only yesterday you were the immature teenager popping balloons." Nana sniffled as a smile grew on her face, a big smile grew on Ash's face as she stood up and gave the elder sheep a hug "I honestly couldn't be happier...I'm so glad you're here, Finnic, Leyton, Johnny, Dexter and even Phil...your my family now." She sighed happily. A few tears escaped Nana's eyes as she nodded, letting go of Ash she wiped them away and smiled "Alright then, I'll help you pop your dress on." she mumbled walking over towards the black wedding dress, Ash followed Nana. Butterflies grew in her stomach, as she walked over to Nana and the black dress.

"My son! I can't believe it's your wedding day! Your mother would be so proud of you..." Dexter sighed softly as he did up Johnny's tie. Johnny looked at his father, his eyes full of sorrow "I wish she was here to see this." He murmured sadly looking down at the ground, Dexter raised his sons chin and placed a hand on his cheek "Be happy my son, she'd want you to be...she used to hate seeing you when you were down." Patting his son on the back he nodded. Johnny's eyes met his fathers as he smiled and nodded, a tear falling down his cheek. Dexter wiped the tear out of his sons eye and nodded "Now come on, lets get you married." Dexter murmured happily as he walked out of the room with his son. "I can't believe it's time, I finally get to see Ash after not seeing her for a few days...I'm really nervous but I know...that everything is gonna be okay." Johnny thought excitedly as a small smile grew on his face. was time. Time for Ash and Johnny to be married.

Ash stood on the other side of the closed door, nervousness rushing through her body "Hey, don't tell me you're getting cold feet?" Phil joked as he stood beside Ash, his arm linked with hers. Turning to Phil she smiled at him "I can't thank you enough, Phil. This means a lot to me, considering that you volunteered to do this." She whispered softly looking at the penguin. "Mrs Noodleman wanted to, but I insisted and she agreed with me." He murmured softly, a smile on his face.

The doors opened.

Ash's heart fluttered, pounding faster and faster. Johnny's eyes grew wide as he saw Ash, she looked even more beautiful then he ever imagined, his heart began raising as he looked at his father who looked at Ash with a huge smile. As Ash looked around at the crowd, she spotted familiar faces except five, letting out a small sigh, she hid her sadness with a big, bright smile. Meena and Rosita stood beside each other, Meena was clapping while Rosita wiped her eyes, a happy smile on her face, Norman and the kids weren't there, due to a case of the measles. Mike and his girlfriend looked at the porcupine, a smile on their faces. Even though Mike was a jerk, he had changed over the past few years. Gunter stood beside Miss Crawley who was crying her eyes out, but smiled as he saw Ash. Nana stood beside Leyton, Finnic. Nana and Leyton, also crying as Nana put her hand on his shoulder and the two smiled as they saw Ash. Finnic's eyes grew wide as he watched his sister walk down the isle, happiness grew within him and he couldn't be more proud of his little sister.

Ash and Phil finally reached Johnny. Phil moved to the side and stood beside Nana, the both smiling proudly. Ash and Johnny faced each other, the both smiled nervously at one another. The priest cleared his throat and began talking for 10 minutes. Giggles escaped Johnny and Ash as they looked each other in the eyes, the priest couldn't help but smile as he reached the last few lines. "Johnny, do you take Ashley to be your wife?" He asked, turning to the young gorilla. Johnny grew stiff with nervousness, he reminded silent for a few seconds before clearing his throat and nodding "I do." He murmured with a smile. The priest turned to Ash and nodded to her "And Ashley, do you take Johnny to be your husband?" "I do."

The priest clasped his hands together as he nodded "By the power within me, I pronounce the two of you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." He announced taking a step back as the two animals looked at each other, they'd had been through so much within the past few months. Leaning down, Johnny and Ash shared a tender kiss for a few seconds before moving each other and turning around to look at the cheering crowd. Meena jumped up and down in excitement "Ash! Throw your bouquet!" She shouted happily. Letting out a laugh Ash nodded "Alright, alright. All the girls if you would get a group." Ash chuckled as she turned around and faced the wall as all the girls gathered in a small group. Taking a few breaths in, Ash threw the bouquet, half expecting the girls to cheer but to her surprise...they started laughing?!

Johnny laughed loudly as he spotted the animal who caught it. Ash looked around and couldn't help but laugh as well. A black cat in a maroon dress had caught the bouquet by mistake, beside her stood a fox with a sleeveless tuxedo shirt and black jeans. The cat screwed her face up as she shook her head "No! No way! Not in a million years! God Huston no!" She hissed with a frown "Well then Mystery, guess we're getting married next then." The fox grinned as Mystery screw her face up. "In your dreams, Flynn! Go drop dead!" She hissed, once again as she hit Flynn in the face with the bouquet and made her way over to Ash and the others "Chet and Buster will be here soon, their just picking Mae up from a friends house." Mystery chuckled as she looked around.

Gunter looked at Ash, his eyes going wide with sadness. Ash sighed and nodded "Go for it, Gunter." Gunter clapped his hands as he ran over to a open tent and began playing music.

The Fear Of Falling Apart (Sing! Fanfiction) Johnny x Ash.Where stories live. Discover now