Finding Out The Truth.

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Ash sat beside Nana, she rested her hands on her skirt, her head hanging low as Nana spoke to her "Child, I don't get what's troubling you, Johnny is fine. No need to worry about him child." Nana reassured the stressed Ash. Ash sighed and looked at Nana "I hope your right Nana...I hope your right." Ash sighed. Nana looked at Ash with a stern look "Since when have I ever been wrong?" Nana hissed, Ash laughed "Your never wrong, your always right." Ash chuckled, Nana smiled "Indeed I am." Nana exclaimed. "So, what do the pair of you decide to do with your future?" Nana questioned, Ash looked at Nana confused before scratching the back of her head "We're not sure yet. I mean, Johnny's a piano teacher...I'm not too sure about what I want to do yet." Ash said, staring blankly at the floor. Nana shook her head "Not future couriers!" Nana shouted "Then what do you mean Nana?" Ash asked raising an eyebrow "I mean kids!" Nana shouted proudly, Ash's expression grew even more blank "Pardon...k-kids?" Ash spoke awkwardly, Nana nodded. Ash shook her head "Nana! Johnny and I aren't even that old...we're in our 20's! C-children are out of the picture!" Ash blurted out embarrassedly. Nana let out a loud laughter "Sorry child, I was just interested if the both of you ever do consider in having children." Nana chuckled. Ash shook her head.

Johnny walked side by side with Dexter who remained quiet "" Johnny asked softly, Dexter stopped and looked at his dad "What was it you wanted to tell me?" He asked tilting his head to the side. Dexter sighed "For the last time Johnny...I'll tell you when we get to the spot." Dexter grumbled as he continued walking, Johnny ran after him "What's 'the spot'?" Johnny asked. Dexter face palmed himself "He's such a child still, he hasn't changed with the question asking." Dexter thought rolling his eyes. Johnny sighed and stopped talking. Dexter stopped and began looking around, Johnny looked at his dad confusedly "There it is." Dexter sighed, memories flying through his mind. Johnny nodded and followed Dexter. Dexter sat down, Johnny sat beside him and looked out and watched the waves crash against the shore "Your mother and I use to come here." Dexter sighed, remembering the last time he spoke to Johnny's mother. Johnny looked at his dad, his eyes full of questions. Dexter sighed before talking "My son...back when your mother and I were together...she had done something she shouldn't of...she didn't tell me for a few weeks. I was quiet shocked to hear about it. I still remember the day, she was always stammering on what to say. She never could find the right words." Dexter chuckled as he at the ocean. Johnny scratched the back of his head "So...what did she do dad?" Johnny asked, Dexter looked at him and sighed "I wished...I'd never have to tell you this...but...I don't want to keep anymore secrets from you." Dexter sat up straight and stared out at the ocean "Your mother...killed someone before you were born. She acted so weird around me, she even tried avoiding me." Dexter said disappointedly. Johnny's eyes grew wide, he puts his hands on his head and looked down at the ground "Y-your kidding..." Johnny said nervously, Dexter shook his head and put his hand on Johnny's back "I wish I was Johnny...sadly that's the truth. Y-you can't tell anyone what I've told you, got it son?" Dexter said as he stood up. Johnny stood up and nodded slowly. "That's my boy." Dexter smiled and began walking. Johnny stood still, his mind spazzing out "Johnny! Come on!" Dexter called, snapping Johnny out of his thoughts. "C-coming Dad!" Johnny shouted as he ran over to Dexter.

"Thanks so much for having us Nana, Dexter." Ash smiled, Nana shook her head "Anytime dear." she said as Phil put Ash's and Johnny's stuff in the truck. Ash and Johnny finished saying their goodbyes before leaving. Ash chuckled as she looked at Johnny who was driving "You'll never get what Nana asked me Johnny." Ash chuckled. Johnny's eyes stayed glued on the road, his disappointed expression made Ash worried "Johnny? Everything okay?" Ash asked raising an eyebrow, Johnny ignored her and payed no attention to the porcupine. Ash sighed and rolled her eyes "I don't get why I even bother sometimes...all you do is ignore me..." Ash mumbled before turning away from Johnny and looking out the window.

The Fear Of Falling Apart (Sing! Fanfiction) Johnny x Ash.Where stories live. Discover now