Flashbacks And Sadness.

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Johnny drove, his eyes full of excitement. Ash looked out the window,  thinking of old times. Turning to Johnny she sighed "Where are we going Johnny?" Ash asked confusedly "I guess where ever the road takes us." Johnny chuckled "Haha...very funny." Ash said sarcastically. Johnny shook his head and laughed "Somewhere. Where we can be free and not worry about anything, just each other." Johnny said lovingly. Looking down at her feet Ash bit her lip "What about my parents? Your dad and Nana?" Ash asked softly. Johnny's face grew blank when he heard 'Your dad and Nana'. He remained quiet for a bit, breathed in and smiled. "They'll be fine without us Ash. We're old enough to leave the nest if we truly desire to." Johnny reassured the upset porcupine. Sighing she looked at Johnny "I hope your right..." she sighed.

-Flash back-

"Oh my god Ash!" Finnic laughed "Let go of my leg!" He laughed, Ash shook her head "No! I don't want you to go!" Ash shouted shaking her head. Leyton walked in and let out a stifled laugh "She still on your leg Fin?" He asked walking towards Finnic and Ash. "What does it look like, Leyton? No dah! Help me please." Finnic pleaded trying to move. Leyton walked over to Ash and picked her up, Ash screamed and started squirming "No! I don't want Fin to go to collage! Let me go Leyton!" Ash shouted. Finnic sighed and looked at Ash "Look Ash, I've gotta to collage, you've got mum, dad and Leyton. You'll be fine little sis." Finnic smiled. Ash lowered her head and sighed "I guess..." Ash mumbled. Chuckling, Finnick kissed Ash on the head "I'll be home in a few months or so." Finnic said before running down the stairs. "Ready to go kiddo?' Cedric yelled from the car "Yeah! I'm coming dad!" Finnic yelled back as he ran to the car. Leyton put Ash down and gave her a hug "It's alright Ash, Finnic will be back before you know it." He said softly, Ash buried her face in her brothers chest as tears began flowing down her cheeks.

-Flash back ends-

Ash looked down at her knees, tears forming in her eyes "Ash? Hello? You there?" Johnny asked waving a hand in front of her face, sitting up quickly she cleared her throat "U-Uhh yeah." Ash smiled whipping her eyes. Johnny put an arm around her and smiled "Don't worry Ash, I promise you we'll be fine." Johnny said soothingly. Moving closer to Johnny, Ash nodded putting her head on Johnny's knee before closing her eyes.

The Fear Of Falling Apart (Sing! Fanfiction) Johnny x Ash.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora