Missed Memories.

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Ash sat with her back turned to Johnny. Her eyebrows remain in a huge frown "I can't belive him! Honestly, why can't he tell me what he's done! I mean, it can't be that bad now can it?" Ash thought to herself angrily "I feel like we've drifted apart a lot this year...he's been coming home later and later...he's had less time to be with me due to having to stay back late teaching an old lady to play the piano...I get the fear that we're falling apart...I just hope I'm wrong..." Ash thought to herself as she sighed.

-Flash back-

Ash sat on the couch reading a book. Putting the book down she looked at the clock, 11:15pm written on it. Sighing, Ash looked at the window, waiting to see Johnny's truck come around the corner, but it didn't. Picking her book back up, she cuddled it. The sound of a truck door closing scared her, she peered out the window and spotted Johnny making his way up the driveway towards the door. Excitedly, Ash jumped up like an excited puppy and ran to the door. Opening the door she ran over to Johnny and hugged him. Johnny looked down at Ash and sighed "Ash...I'm tired, I've had a busy day today, can I please go have a shower?" Johnny questioned looking down at the porcupine. Sighing, Ash let go of Johnny and watched him walk inside. Ash sighed and sat down on the top of the driveway "Every night...he comes home late and never has anytime for me...well, very rarely..." Ash muttered to herself sadly before standing up "I hope things get better for us in the future..." Ash sighed as she walked back inside, locking the door behind herself, she made her way to her's and Johnny's room. Climbing into the bed she layed back, thinking about ways to why Johnny is less affectionate towards her.

-Flash back ends-

Johnny pulled over on the side of the road and stopped the truck, looking at Ash he sighed "Look...I'm sorry okay?" Johnny said placing a hand on Ash's shoulder he smiled slightly. "Hey, at least we have eachother..." Johnny whispered softly "I'm going to sleep...if you need anything just wake me up." Johnny said as he climbed into the back.

A few hours had passed and Ash was outside, holding her phone in her hand, breathing in she looked at the stars, remembering memories of herself and Johnny. "It's so strange how things change over time...I still wonder why everything happens for a reason...to tear people apart? Pfft, yeah right."Ash scoffed, rolling her eyes.

The Fear Of Falling Apart (Sing! Fanfiction) Johnny x Ash.Where stories live. Discover now