Last day.

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People in the groupchat are crying because this is the second to last chapter, I finished benefits. So I gotta update now.

Millie's pov

It is our last day to do something together as a group.

I woke up in Finns arms.

He came back when everyone was settling down over the situation, and he talked to me a little bit.

Lilia fell asleep in Noah's arms on my bed, and I smiled, thinking how cute it was. Sadie and Maddie were sleeping together on the floor, their hands intertwined.

They are really gonna miss each other.

Everyone else was kind of scattered on the floor somewhere.

I got up, and Finn shifted, sitting up with me.

People slowly started to wake up.


Soon enough, everyone was ready and we all went to the beach for the day.

We got to the beach, and we set down our things, the guys immediately running into the water.

I walked into the water with Lilia, and she was holding my hand.

"Are you and Finn ending it?" Lilia asked me, and I nodded.

"Yes. I really don't want to." I said, and she nodded.

We got into the water, and we let go of our hands, and started messing around with the guys.


"So, you're really leaving." Gaten asked me, and I nodded.

We were walking down the sidewalk back to the beach, because we got ice cream.

"I'm really gonna miss you." He said, and I smiled at him.

"I'm gonna miss you too." I said, and he smiled.

"Remember the first day you moved in and we were all cheering because Finn got a girl for his roommate? That was funny." He said, and I laughed.

"I thought you guys were crazy." I said, and he smiled.

We got back to all of the towels, and Noah was yelling my name, to get in the water.

I finished my ice cream with Gaten which didn't take long, and I got in the water, with Noah.

"We are going to FaceTime all the time, right?" He asked, and I smiled.

"Yeah." I said, and he smiled back.

"I don't know what Finn is going to do without you. We are all gonna miss you like crazy around here." He said, and I smiled.

"Stop with the sad stuff, this is our last day together, let's make it fun please." I said, and we laughed.


It was getting a little dark out, the sun setting.

Finn and I were holding hands, walking down the beach. It wasn't that populated today.

We were just walking in silence, neither of us knowing what to say.

I was looking down at the sand hitting our bare feet. We were close to the water, so it was a little wet.

We stopped, and I faced towards him. His eyes met mine, and it showed one emotion.


I put my hands on his shoulders, sliding to around his neck, and I felt his hand on the side of my face, and another on my waist.

His eyes flickered down to my lips, and we connected them, like it was the last time we were ever going to.

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