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Okay everyone grab your popcorn, and most importantly, your holy water.

Finns pov

I woke up to the feeling of Millie in my arms. I love when I wake up like this.

I look down to her, and see that she's still sleeping. I smiled, and kissed her head.

I think it woke her up, because she started shifting. She shifted out of my arms, and stretched. She turned her head over to me and opened her eyes, only to meet mine.

"Morning." She said, and smiled, squinting her eyes as the glare of the sunlight coming through the window hit her.

"Morning beautiful." I said, and she giggled a bit, then turned her head, and sat up.

She got up and off the bed, and I grabbed her hand.

"Where are you going?" I asked, and she smiled at me.

"I'm going to shower. Chill." She said, and I let go of her hand, and put my head back in my pillow. I heard her laugh, then the water started running.

I'm dating Millie. I'm dating her.

Last time I dated somebody, it was a couple years ago, before I started actually getting good in lacrosse. When we broke up, I realized that I was more focused, and I did way better. I don't know if Millie and I will mess up my lacrosse playing, but I'm scared to find out.

I love Millie. And if we break up, what's going to happen? We are living in the same dorm for the rest of our highschool lives. It could get awkward, or it could get better.

As I was thinking, I heard a knock on the door. I sighed and got up, to open the door to two girls.

"Hey. Is Millie here?" Lilia asked, and I smiled.

"Yeah, she's in the shower right now though, you can wait for her." I said, and Sophia and her walked in, and sat down on Millie's bed.

"So, how are you and Millie?" Lilia asked, as I sat down on my bed to face them.

Why do I feel like I'm being interrogated?

"We're good." I said, and they smiled at each other.

"Finn, be honest with us. We know you like her." Sophia said, and I laughed a little on the inside.

"Why do you assume this?" I asked, and they smiled.

"She tells us stories, and whenever you're around her when you're with us, we can totally tell." Lilia said.

"Can you?" I asked, and they nodded.

"Okay, well, I do like Millie. I just don't know how to tell her. What if it changes things?" I asked, making this as a funny thing for myself.

"Change never hurts. And trust me, she totally likes you. She's never told us, but we can tell." Sophia said.

"When should I tell her?" I asked, and they were thinking, whispering to each other.

"Tell her tonight!" Lilia said, and Millie walked out of the bathroom from showering. She was wearing a T-shirt and some shorts.

Still looks beautiful.

"Tell who what tonight?" She asked, grabbing her hair brush. She glanced at me, and I was smiling.

"Nothing." Sophia said, and Millie nodded.

"Well, Millie we were gonna see if you wanted to do anything." Lilia said, and Millie looked at them, then sat down next to me. Close.

I could tell the girls were excited by it.

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