Different mindset

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Millie's pov

I woke up at 8:00. I got up and put my contacts in, and got a reminder on my phone.

8:00 A.M. run (Every day)

Fuck. I missed it yesterday.

I went into my closet and found some black athletic running pants, a black sports bra, and a light weighted tank top. I changed, put my hair up, got the room key, and left.


I ran outside of the school on the sidewalks, and it was actually pretty nice in Canada. They stores and places to go are cute.

I ran at least two miles. I do cross country, so I have to prepare for that before it starts.

I ran back, and I got to the hallway of our dorm room. I was all sweaty and hot, so I decided to get Finn back. I opened the door, and closed it. I turned around to see Finn awake, his back against the wall of his bed, on his phone. He looked up at me, and smiled.

"Where did you go?" He asked.

"2 mile run. I have to prepare for cross country, ya know." I said. I took off the tank top that was covering me, and Finns eyes widened.

"Is there a problem?" I asked him, smiling. I saw him staring at my chest, and my stomach, then he looked away.

"Yeah, you don't have a shirt on." He said, and I laughed, and sat on his bed.

"So what?" I said, and he was avoiding looking at me.

"You're a girl. I'm a guy." He said, and I raised my eyebrows.

"I have a sports bra on." I said, and got closer to him, him backing up a little, his back against the wall, his legs spread straight on the bed.

"Guys have a different mindset than girls do." He said, and I laughed. I moved closer to him by sitting down on his lap, my legs on both sides of him.

"Millie!!" He yelled, closing his eyes. I laughed a little, and looked at him.

"ABORT ABORT" Finn yelled, trying to get up, but I pushed him back down, for his back to go down on the bed, a chance for me to get even closer to him. I pinned his hands down next to his bed, and leaned my body onto his, making my sweaty stomach touch his shirt, and our chests touch.

"YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO" I mimicked him, and he kept his eyes closed.

"NO," he yelled, and I laughed.

Before we could say anything else, I heard a knock on the door.

"You're lucky," I mimicked again, and got off of him. He opened his eyes and started to breathe again, and I just laughed and opened the door, to the usual 3.

All of their mouths dropped, and I just opened the door all the way.

"Have you idiots never seen a girl wearing a fucking sports bra before? I guess not." I said, closing the door after they came in the room.

Finn sat back up, his back against the wall again. He looked like he was in shock, his eyes wide and his mouth dropped, not looking at me. I might of gone too far, but he deserved it.

"Finn, you're so lucky you live with a girl if you see this every day." Gaten said, and I laughed, going onto my bed, grabbing my phone. I looked back at all the guys, and they were all staring at me, except Finn. He finally calmed down, and started to move around again.

"Stop staring, weirdos." I said, grabbing my speaker then heading to the bathroom to shower, laughing in my head.

I took a shower and changed into black athletic shorts and a plain grey long sleeve shirt, that was like a t-shirt. I brushed my hair and walked out of the bathroom, to hear yelling in the living room area. I walked over there to see Caleb and Noah sitting on the floor playing Mario Kart, Gaten was on the little couch, and Finn was in the middle of the big one. I walked over and sat next to Finn.

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