Kicked out

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I'm so tired but I'm updating anyway. Update on that test, the smartest people in that class got lower than a 50% on it and I haven't asked if I could see my score so Idk what I got on it, wish me luck.


Millie's pov

I wake up to someone knocking on our door.

The knocking doesn't stop, it just gets louder.

I look over to Finn, who's still sleeping. I grab a pillow from my bed and throw it at him, and it wakes him up. He groaned, and stretched.

"Who the fuck is knocking?" I asked, and he sat up, and ruffled his hair back out of his face. He got up and walked over to the door. I noticed that he was only wearing shorts.

Finn opened the door, and it was someone I definitely wasn't expecting.

"Maddie?" I asked, standing up.

"Millie!!" She yelled, and went over and hugged me. I hugged her back, and smiled.

"I missed you." She said, and I pulled out of the hug.

"How did you get here? Why are you here?" I asked her.

"My Mom got me a ticket, and I heard it was your spring break this week, so what better week to come visit." She said, and I smiled. I looked up at Finn, who just laid back down in his bed.

"I'm surprised you guys weren't sleeping together." Maddie said, and I laughed a bit.

"Trust me, Millie was practically begging me to sleep in her bed with her, but I had to make the hard decision and say no." Finn said, and Maddie laughed.

"That's not what went down." I said, and he smiled.


Maddie and I caught up on stuff, walked around the dorms, and the school. We went tanning for a bit at the pool, which was nice. We also ran into Lilia and Sophia on our way back.

"Hey Millie!!" Lilia said.

"Hey Lilia, hey Sophia." I answered, and they looked at Maddie.

"I'm Maddie, I'm just visiting Millie. I'm from her old school." She said, and they greeted her.

"So what are you guys doing?" I asked.

"We're just bored, we were walking around." Sophia said.

"Would you guys want to have a sleepover at my dorm?" I asked.

"Yes!!!" They all yelled, and I laughed.

"Okay, just pack your bags, Maddie and I will be in the dorm room." I said, and they nodded. They got off on their floor, and then we did.

"They look like nice girls." Maddie said.

"Yeah, they're really nice." I answered, then using the key to open the door. When I opened it, I opened it to hear the voices of guys yelling over something.

"I told you I would get first place!!" I heard Gaten yell.

"Fuck you Gaten!!" I heard Caleb say, and I laughed. Maddie and I walked back past the kitchen to see all the guys playing Mario Kart.

"Hey Mills." Finn said, and I smiled.

"Finn." I replied, and he smiled at me.

"What are you girls doing?" Noah asked, breaking Finn and I's eye contact.

I told them what we did, and that we are having Lilia and Sophia over tonight.

"So I'm getting kicked out?" Finn asked, and Maddie and I laughed.

"Sorry Finn." I said, smiling at him.

"I guess I'll just stay with Caleb." He said, and Caleb fist pumped Finn.

"Well they will be here any minute, but you don't have to leave right now. You can leave later." I said, and he nodded. He didn't look away from me though. His eyes trailed lower than my eyes, I think down to my lips. He looked away the second he looked at them, back to the tv screen.

There was knocking at the door, and Maddie and I went to go answer it. I opened it, and it was Lilia and Sophia. They greeted us, and walked in.

"Okay, I'm kicking Finn out tonight, so you guys can have his bed." I said, and they laughed.


It was late, probably 10:00. The guys were still in there, I think they started playing fortnite.

"Should I tell the guys to leave now?" I asked them, and they shrugged.

"They're annoying, so yeah." Sophia said, and the girls laughed. I got up and walked over there again, to see Caleb in a game of fortnite, everyone else watching and telling him what to do and where to go.

"Finn. Come here." I said, and he looked over at me and got up, walking into the kitchen, the spot where neither the guys or girls could see us.

"It's ten." I said, and he smiled.

"Are you kicking me out?" He asked, and I smiled.

"Yes." I said, and he looked into my eyes. I looked into his. We didn't look away, I knew he wasn't going to.

I smiled, and it made him smile.

He finally broke it, by looking lower than my eyes, then over to where the boys were at.

"Is this how it's going to be all week?" He asked me, turning back time, looking into my eyes.

"No. But Maddie will be here all week." I said, and he nodded.

"So no messing around." I said, and he smiled and winked at me.

"shut up." I said, and he laughed. We got interrupted by all the guys cheering or something. We walked over there and saw that Caleb won.

"Okay, out now." I said, and they groaned.

I walked back over to our beds, and the girls were talking about something, and I grabbed Finns bag that I packed him.

Caleb, Gaten, and Noah all said bye, and walked out of the dorm, but before Finn left, I stopped him.

"Take this. It's your bag that I packed for you." I said, and extended my arm out for him to take it.

"Why thank you Millie." He said, and before he grabbed it, he slid his hand down my hand to grab the handle, then winking at me.

"Just come home whenever." I said, and he nodded and did that cute awkward wave to all of us, and then he closed the door.

"What was that?" Lilia asked.

"What was what?" I asked, sitting down on my bed by Maddie.

"He touched your hand on purpose, and winked at you." Sophia replied.

"He didn't do that on purpose. And he always winks at me."  I said, and they raised their eyebrows.

"Okay Millie." Lilia said, and I laughed a little.

We ended up staying up, talking about stuff, the usual girl talk.

We were about to go to bed, getting ready, and I got a text.

Night Mills.

I smiled, texted back, then closed my eyes.

Night Finn.


Everyone wants them to catch feelings already but we are only like 10 chapters in, hold your darn horses. Hehehehehe

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