Chapter 1: ArRIVAL of the Bully

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Third Person's POV

Today.. Today will be the worst day for Jimin. Why?

Because his worst nightmare is coming back from America. It was heaven while it lasted. Now it's back to the harsh reality.

Oh how he wishes he could just teleport to another planet and live there with other creatures without being bullied by anyone.

But that is impossible, he knows it.
So he decided to just go with the flow. He doesn't have a choice but to do so.

As soon as it hit 7:00 in the morning, his alarm clock went wildly ringing. Waking up everyone in the neighborhood in process... That was a joke.

"Ugh, bad morning for me everyone. Today, is the day that jerk comes back." He groans, dragging the word 'comes back' as he whines and plops his body back to bed while throwing pillow everywhere.

"Anyways, let's not talk about that cunt. He's just a waste of time." He mumbles sarcastically.

He's living on his own now. His parents disowned him after they found out that he's gay. The thing is, he doesn't give a damn. He promised to himself that he will graduate without help from his parents. He's indeed a good student. He may not be the top student in their school, but he does fine on his own.

He went inside the bathroom and took a quick shower. After that, he dried himself and wore loose, black and white striped sweater that mostly exposed his collarbones, black jeans, sneakers and his glasses. He doesn't like spraying himself with perfumes or colognes. It irritates his nose.

He brushes his hair and then messes it up again to make it look bouncy.

After doing his morning routines, he went out of his room and went towards the kitchen for some breakfast.

He put some bread on the toaster and prepared the strawberry jam. He poured some milk on his glass, right when the toaster dinged.

He ate the toast with strawberry jam and drank his milk. To fill his stomach more, as to not starve, he ate the last pear in his fridge. Before going to school, he took a one last glance at his small house. It's small, it doesn't have second floor or that much furnitures or appliances, but it's cozy, clean and refreshing. He smiled weakly and went to school.

Last year of highschool, just 9 more months and college here I come he thought.

Welcome to hell, he thought.

As soon as he got to school, he literally ran to his locker. He opens his locker with shaky cold hands, heart beating so fast, breaking into cold sweats. He puts his bag inside and takes his stuffs for whatever the first period is, but before he could close his locker, the students starts causing a ruckus around him.

At that time, his heart dropped. He's here, he's finally here. He lowered his head biting his lip. He didn't dare to turn around because he knows. JEON JUNGKOOK is behind him, smirking.

"Long time no see, fat-cheeked nerd. Did you miss daddy?" He asks, blowing hot air on the smaller's ear. Jimin cringes at the contact and kept his eyes shut.

"Not going to speak now, are we? Are you mute?" Jungkook grabs him by the shoulder, turning him around and pinning him on his own locker.

Jimin winces at the harsh grip.

"Ew! You're still unpleasant to look at!" Humiliated, that was the first thing Jimin felt ever since the day he met this cunt.

"P..please, let me go. hurts." Jimin begs, still looking down on his shoes.

"Aww.. is Jiminie hurt? I'm sorry... not!" Jungkook laughs making the others laugh along.

"Please. L..Let me go!" Jimin struggles to get out of the younger's grip, but the younger held his arms for him to stay still.

"How dare you yell at my oppa!" A gurl with an irritating high pitched voice, yells. She walks towards them and was about to hit Jimin, but Jungkook places his hand in front of her to stop her from getting closer.

"This is none of your business. He's mine to deal with." He spat. He grabs Jimin by the collar and drags him with him. Jimin struggles to free himself, but Jungkook's grip just tightens every time he does.

As he struggled, Jungkook grew annoyed so he shot him a death glare before throwing him over his shoulders.

He wasn't light at all, but Jungkook can handle the weight.

"Stop squirming!" He harshly pinches Jimin's thigh to which he winces and with the situation he's in, the sound almost sounded like a moan.

"What did I do? Let me go!" He begs once again. He squirms nonstop, but Jungkook wouldn't budge.

"Oh shut up." Jungkook spat. He claws and pinches Jimin's leg again making him groan and wince from the pain. Which again, sounded like a whiny moan. Jungkook who was weirded out, tried his best to look at the guy on his shoulder.

"Ow." Jimin continues to wince. He didn't notice Jungkook looking at him as if he was weird. Jimin mutters curses as he grits his teeth. He just want to knee Jungkook in the face, but he figured that's not the best option. A great attempt maybe, but not the best. Because this is Jeon fucking Jungkook. If he did that, the consequences are unimaginable.



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