Chapter Twenty-Five: What In The Freaking Heck Was That?

Start from the beginning

"Look, Ralph, we need to talk. You can't-"

"Don't." Ralph cut him off. "Just...just forget it, ok?" He turned, walking away from us. I sighed, turning towards Barry.

"I think...I think he knows." Barry nodded.


We trailed Ralph back to his office. He sat with his back facing us in his desk chair. Barry knocked as we entered, shutting the door behind him.

"If you're here to tell me how I royally screwed up letting that little girl get me...I know. I keep feeling all these feelings. Guilt...remorse...heartburn."

"Well, we can't help you with that last one, but maybe we can help you with the rest." Barry suggested. "What are all those?" He nodded to the pictures on the desk. I crossed over in front of Ralph, sitting on the window sill directly in front of him.

"Past cases. Those were simpler times. Husband stepping out on wife, wife stepping out on husband, husband stepping out on wife and husband. That one was a little less simple."

"What's the point you were alluding to?" I asked.

"My point is...when I was a PI, I...I didn't have to worry about little girls in hospitals. I just had to get the dirt. Whatever happened after that, I wasn't there to see it. Now all I see are people getting hurt or about to get hurt...Laura included. And for five years I got by without caring about anyone, except..." He trailed off and looked at me like he'd said to much. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Now I have to care about a whole city?"

"It's a part of the job, Ralph. Maybe the most important part." Barry told him.

"How do you two do it?" Ralph questioned, meeting my eyes. Tears were just starting to well up in his. "How do you walk around knowing what could happen to all those people?"

"We don't always handle it well," I told him. "We have both made bad decisions that sometimes got people hurt."

"You just gotta do the best you can. And when that's not enough..."

"You lean on the people around you." I finished for him.

" mean you." He said, gesturing between us. Barry laughed.

"Yeah, us, Ralph. Look, we brought you into this because we think that you have the makings of a hero. I mean, I had to be convinced a little bit, but Laura knew it from the get go. She has a tendency of seeing things that others can't, so I trust her." Ralph looked at me. "But we'd both be lying if we said there won't be hard days."

"And when there are, you need someone to turn to. We could be those people...if you want." I spoke up.

"You'd do that for me?"

"I will make it my personal mission to protect your heart." Barry told him, causing them both to laugh and me to smile. "Look, Ralph, I actually think it's great that you're feeling all this stuff. But don't forget: That little girl is gonna be ok. And we got the bad guy."

"Yeah...We got the bad guy." Barry shot Ralph a thumbs up and we all laughed again.

"Well...I think I'm gonna head out. Is thee anything else you need to, you know, talk about?" Barry asked.

"If there is, I think I'm staying, so I can take this one. Go on home." I told him. He nodded, turning and leaving the office. I looked back to Ralph.

"How's the ribs?" He asked. I shrugged.

"It's ok. I mean, every breath is like being stabbed, but you know, it's all good." He nodded. "What did you mean when you said you got by not caring about anyone except...except who?" He shook his head.

 "That's a story for another time. We should get you home, I'm sure you're exhausted with the pain meds and all." 

"Yeah, no kidding." He stood up. 

"Do you need help?" He asked. I nodded. He grabbed my arms and started to pull.

"Nope! Nope, that's not happening, uh-uh." I shook my head, gritting my teeth.

"Sorry, sorry." I shook my head."Would it help if..." He put his hands under my arms and I nodded. He gently lifted me to my feet.

"Thank you." I looked up, just now noticing how close we were. I could feel his breath against my lips, and I noticed his eyes flicked to my mouth for a brief moment before meeting my eyes. I shifted uncomfortably, causing my nose to brush up against his. I froze.

"Um..." I took a step back so that my legs were up against the wall and I was away from Ralph.

"I can fly home. The pain killers helped a lot so I...I'm just gonna...go."

"Oh, ok." I nodded, walking around his desk.

"Goodnight, Ralph."

"Yeah, uh goodnight...Laura." I left his office, shutting the door behind me.

What in the freaking heck was that?

What Brings Us Together (A Ralph Dibny/ The Flash Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now