//3∅// ENDING [ URGES ] >new ending<

Start from the beginning

"Where are we going again?" He asked looking into the rear view mirror.

"The Candy Store." I said blankly.

Jack sighed,he pressed a small circular button and an upbeat song started to play,Jack swayed in his seat as he attempted to sing along to the annoying song.

"Come on y/n cheer up!" Jack yelled patting my head.

I let go of my legs and leaned back into my seat again,tears pinched the sides of eyes as I forced a smile.
Jack took note to this and touched my face softly.

"Aye stop those tears,I'm too happy to let you be depressed like this cutiepie come on sing with me!"
He cheered.

I chucked,I genuinely laughed at him..he's such a huge dork sometimes,he smiled when he saw my smile.

"Yes there it is,I missed that beautiful smile!"

I sniffed and chuckled once more before singing along with the song with Jack,that pain and sorrow again once again..
Why cant it be like this all the time..
No feeling but happiness.

The car soon came to stop,jack kissed my lips before getting out.
I got out aswell,he put up his hoodie as I grabbed his hand and we began to walk.People crowed the streets and stores,I couldn't help but remember all those times my cousin would give me tons of money to get candy every month.
I would share that candy with my best friends,unfortunately I can't remember their name at the moment.

"You're leading the way honey." His low voice caught my attention.

Subconsciously I started to walk,my legs knew where they were going but my eyes didn't,people didnt notice us which was great.
Stores lit up in the rain,one particular sign caught my eye,it glowed blue and pink.The words 'Barrets Candy Store'
I smiled and lead jack inside,plastic boxes or candy laced the whole store.
Colors covered every inch of the small store.

"Hello,if you need anything please tell me."
I saw the tall,black haired man standing behind the counter.He waved at me and I waved back,he looked a bit nervous..i shook it off and I went immediately to the chocolate in the back.

"I dont get why people eat all this stuff,its so..colorful and..I don't know it all looks like hard foods."
Jack pointed out,I chuckled.

"Yeah,its good though."

A brown hazel box stood next to the boxes of candy,they held bags and I took one.
I started to open various boxes of candy and filling my bag,joy was all I felt.

"Here try one haha." I handed jack a small piece of chocolate,he slowly put it into his mouth.

"Uhg this is gross,its so sweet!"

"Its supposed to be sweet,jack all candy is sweet..well most of it anyway haha."

"Yes,please come now before he leaves or does anything..there seems to be a woman with him,she looks about in her 20's and shes fairly happy."

I eyes went wide as I overheard the kids conversation,I quickly grabbed Jack's hand,dropped the candy and ran out of the store.

"Y/n go and hide in the tree's,I'll distract them!"
I quickly pecked his lips before doing what I was told,I ran past the crowds of people and into the depths of the woods.
I sat down against a tree and peeked through,I didnt see much but when I did panic immediately rose upside of me.

The conversation I heard was such a blur..

"sir you are under arrest for kidnapping an innocent girl and murdering hundreds of people."

/Prømise Yøu'll Stay?/ /Eyeless Jack X Reader//Where stories live. Discover now