58: We Love this Exaltation

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It feels weird that this is the last day here. Today is the last day of this competition and someone is going to win.

We've just had the last dress rehearsal for the group song and I hate it. It's followed the pattern of most of the other group songs; extremely cheesy. As the dress rehearsal was late we've been told to stay in our clothes, as the show will start soon. I'm currently sat in the canteen, as it's where I've always spent a lot of my time.

Just as I put my phone down next to my plate with sandwiches on it. The screen lights up signalling that I have a text.


'Will definitely be there tonight babe x'

I smile at the message and then go to reply, but the sound of someone sitting down in the chair opposite me distracts me. I look up and see Harry. I instantly lock my phone, so he can't see the screen.

He watches me, as I put the phone back down on the table, but once I put it down he looks up at me which makes me uncomfortable.

"Hey" His tone isn't harsh, but he's speaking loud enough for me to hear him above the noise in the room.

I don't say anything. I continue to keep my attention on my food, as I eat whilst trying not to look at him.

"You don't have to ignore me", He sighs.

I look at him and my anger rises, I don't know why he expects us to carry on as friends, but I can't do it, "I don't want anything to do with you" My tone is normal, showing no emotion, as I turn my attention to my food again.

"Harsh" He replies, as he finally takes his gaze away from me.

"But true" I look at him briefly to show that I mean it.

"I'm sorry" He sighs, "For everything"

"I can't just forgive you like that" I shake my head slightly as I speak. I'm still not looking at him, as I feel very un-easy.

"Why?" He questions, whilst furrowing his eyebrows in genuine confusion.

"Are you being serious?" I ask, as I look at him with a serious expression. I can't believe it.

"Is it because I cheated?" He asks; still very confused.

"That might have something to do with it" I answer; the sarcasm in my tone is obvious.

I'm normally very forgiving, as I do believe that people make mistakes, but not this time. The fact that he doesn't understand that what he did was wrong makes it a lot worse.

"Oh" He says, his voice trails at the end.

We then sit in silence, as he shifts uncomfortably.

"If that's all you've got to say then I'm going" I state, as I stand up, as I can't stand to be with him for any longer.

I walk out of the canteen, I'm not sure where I'm going, but I continue to walk.

"Lindsey?" A voice from behind me calls.

I turn around and see Tom walk towards me with a grin across his features.

"Fancy seeing you here" He grins, "Shouldn't you be at the stage or something?"

I smile at his first comment, "Probably" I answer; to the second question. "Shouldn't you be in the guest dressing room?" I ask; returning his question.

"Probably" It's obvious that he's returning my answer since I returned his question, "I went for a fag" it's obvious that he's been smoking; he stinks.

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