51: The Press Conference

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"Please keep all questions relevant, and refer to the list that was sent out about banned topics" The producer who introduced us to the stage says into the microphone.

Nicola pours me a glass of water, as the producer picks the first journalist.

"Hi, I'm from channel 5 news and my question is for Nicola and Robbie" A journalist says, as she raises her hand, so we know where to look. "What is with all of the bickering?" She asks with a small laugh.

Both Nicola and Robbie laugh, as they get handed a microphone each. "It's just a little bit of banter" Robbie answers with a laugh.

"Both of us just like to defend our acts and then things go from there" Nicola adds; placing the microphone down on the table after she says this.

The journalist takes a couple of notes and then rearranges her papers, as the next person puts their hand up, "Hello, I'm from CBBC newsround and my question is for all of the judges. There are rumours that there is going to be a celebrity duet is that true and if it is then who will the duets be with?"

I look at Robbie, as he is a people person, so he will be answering most of the questions and he is head judge, so he has been briefed about what he can say and what he can't say. I can also see his notes on the desk in front of him with topics he can answer and ones he can't. "There is going to be a celebrity duet this year"

The journalists clap, at the revelation. "Hi we're massive fans of yours, Jane and we were wondering if you were going to be staying in London after the competition or going to go back home?" A journalist asks.

"I'm not too sure yet; I think it will be best to move to London as it makes things easier for my career, but I need to talk about it with my husband" Jane answers with a smile.

"What's it like being recognised when you do simple things like going to the shops?" The same journalist asks.

"It's crazy" Jane answers, "I can't believe that people have voted for me and that people travel from all over the country to come and see me"

That journalist sits down and another stands up. "Hi, I'm from the Daily Mail and I have question about the show. Do you think that the show will return, as the tabloids have been filled with stories about this year's contestants?"

"I can't confirm anything" Robbie says with a slight shrug, "We might have a completely different bunch of characters next series which means there won't be as many stories if we were to return, we but this year we have found some amazing talent" Robbie emphasises on the word amazing. "But if you're after an audition form, then you only have to ask" The crowd laugh and I can't help the smile that creeps on my features.

Another journalist stands up, "Hi, I was just wondering what your feelings are for this season and how you will feel when the season is over?"

"Well I'll miss this show so much!" Nicola smiles, but then pouts in fake sadness "I'm looking forward to the end of the season only because I'm excited to see where everyone goes from here, as their careers are just getting started"

"I couldn't of put it better myself" Robbie smiles, smiling widely at Nicola.

That journalist sits down and another stands up, "Hi, I'm from OK magazine and we were wondering about the winners single. Last year there were internet campaigns that stopped the winners single from reaching number one, are you worried that, that might happen to any of your acts?"

"No" Robbie answers whilst shaking his head, "We know that these three are insanely talented and whoever wins deserves the number one spot"

"What can we expect from the winners single?" The same journalist asks. "Are they covers or their own songs?"

"I speak for the boys when I say; we have the winners single chosen in preparation" Robbie looks and sounds proud; to be organised.

"We're still deciding" Jane says.

"We think we've got one, but we aren't too sure about it yet", Nicola answers for me.

"Hi I'm from the Daily Mail and I have a question for Lindsey" One of the journalists says which instantly catches my attention, "As we know you are the youngest in the competition, do you think this puts you at a disadvantage?"

"I don't think so" I answer, my face scrunched a little bit, as I think of what to say. "As it shouldn't be about how old you are it should be about the talent" I answer. I can see Nicola looking at me with a proud expression.

"Hi, we're massive 4Real fans, and we were wondering, out of all of you who gets the most attention?" A journalist asks.

All of the boys points to Dylan, as he gets a lot of attention from the girls. Dylan laughs and looks down. He might get the attention, but he doesn't like to admit it.

"Dylan who would your celebrity crush be?" The same journalist asks.

Zack quickly grabs the microphone; "It's Mollie King from the Saturdays" He grins whilst Dylan covers his face with his hands.

"Hi, I'm from Look magazine and this is a question for Lindsey, "You have been a favourite to win for pretty much the whole of the competition, and I was just wondering how would you feel if you won?"

"I'm the favourite?" I ask; leaning forward slightly in disbelief, as I didn't know that, "I don't know how I would react if I won; I haven't thought that far ahead"

* * *

I lost interest after this, and there were no more questions directed to me; which was good, as I thought that I would have to answer questions about Nathan and the article.

"Last question" The producer says.

"No pressure then" A man laughs, I'm from capital radio" The journalist says, as he stands up "Do you think the duets are important, as on last year's X Factor we saw Alexandra Burke sing with Beyonce and it is  thought that it was that performance which won her the competition"

"I'm looking forward to the duets, as it gives a chance to learn new things and I'm going to need to, if I want to be beat the favourite over there" Jane grins, as she gestures to me.

"Thank you for coming out this evening" Robbie says, as he puts his hands together, "We hope that you continue to support the show and please be nice to these lot when it's over"

The journalists clap as we walk off the stage.

"I'm so proud of you!" Nicola beams, wrapping her arms around me.

I smile and embraced the hug.

 "Now go home and rest, you'll need it"


This took me ages to write! Mainly because of all the research of what happens at the press conference and all that...

So yeah, this chapter is probably a bit uninteresting...

SO yeah thanks for fanning, commenting, voting and adding to your reading list please continue to do so!: D

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