06:Arguments, Tears and More Tears

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The next morning, I wake up in the single hotel room that I've been given, the only down side is that Jade, Brooke, Amy and Ryan have each been given a key, so they can come in when they want, I have a key to their rooms as well, but I doubt I'll use it.

The alarm sitting in the desk in the corner of the room next to the bed bleeps, right at this very moment I miss Maisey quite a lot as her way of waking you up is a lot better than an annoying bleeping noise.

"Come on, we get the results today!" Jade gushes, entering my room, seeing me still wrapped up in the duvet and the alarm still beeping

"I know, I know" I repeat rolling over, so I aren't facing her.

"The car will be here in one hour" Jade smiles, she then turns and walks out of the room slamming the door behind her, which I'm sure was to wake me up.

I flinch at the sound of the door shutting as it is so loud and so early in the morning and it pretty much made the whole hotel shake. I throw my feet to the floor and turn the alarm off then head to the bathroom for a shower.

 After my shower I blow dry my hair and I then look over to the clock. 6:30, great. I'm going to be late I look awful and I have half an hour to get ready for TV. isn't today going well so far?  I quickly change into a pink skirt and pair it with a white top and a light coloured denim jacket.

"Knock knock" Brooke calls before opening the door.

"Hello" I call to her, as I continue to get ready.

 "Why aren't you ready yet? It's seven O'clock!" She snaps

"Well I'm working on it" I answer, not giving her the attention she wants. 

 "Fine, whatever, get on with what ever you need to do!" She then storms out of the room and I plug the hairdryer into the wall and start to dry my hair.

It's quarter past when my hair is fully dry. I decide to put it in a ponytail and pull various strands out from the front to frame my face. I apply a little bit of makeup, and I'm good to go.

*  * *

I met Amy in the lobby to the hotel, so we walk out to the car and find Brooke sat by herself with a miserable face.

"Finally" She sighs, with an added eye roll.

"Where are the other two?" Amy asks, completely innocent, but it's obvious that, it's a bad question to ask at this moment in time.

Brooke chuckles and rolls her eyes again, "Where are the other two?" Brooke repeats looking at Amy like she is completely stupid "YOU TELL ME!"

"Brooke" I say, trying to get her to leave Amy alone. Brooke turns to face me and scowls.

Amy places her hand on Brooke's back "Brooke calm down" Amy says and Brooke snatches herself away from the Amy's touch.

"Don't touch me!" She snaps "They need to get here now! Or I aren't going to get through!"

"What about us two, we might not get through either" Amy adds gesturing to herself and I.

Brooke laughs sarcastically "As if you two are going to get through, you couldn't get through if your life deepened on it" Both mine and Amy's mouths fall open in shock. "Look everyone else is going" Brooke shouts pointing to all the other cars that are leaving "Can we just go now, they probably don't care about the competition" She says, more to the driver than to the two of us.

"Brooke, just wait for another five minutes, I'm sure they'll turn up" I say to her, trying to get her to calm down. 

Then the door opens and Ryan gets into the car. He sit's next to me which is the seat opposite Amy who is sitting next to Brooke, who is opposite me.

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