Chapter Six

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My breath hitched and caught in my mouth when I looked into the piercing sky blue eyes of the man that had bumped into me earlier today.

My eyes fell though when I could see him with a woman, so obviously his date. Of course it had to have been his date. She was gorgeous just like him, with her perfectly sculpted body, and her flawlessly positioned hair. Her smooth dress, she looked like she had just hopped off the runway, she and him fit together perfectly. I didn't understand how people that were so glamorous like them, were real, it just didn't make any sense to me.

How could life be so unjust as to have people this flawless?

This nightclub was so fancy it would only make sense that these people would be here, especially with their designer clothes, and appearance. He hadn't looked this fancy or clearly like he was wealthy earlier this morning when I had bumped into him.

I still didn't know who he was, or her for that matter, but being here meant they had to be a someone. I would be intending to find out just who when I could.

This fancy nightclub life wasn't normal for me. I wasn't rich and I wasn't famous either. I grew up on the poorer side of Manhattan. My family and I weren't poor, but we didn't have the luxury of most. We were blue collar people. We worked for what we had, nothing was ever given to us. Whatever money my parents didn't spend was put away into a savings account to fund me during college. My parents had started it for me when I was born.

My father was an electrician, and my mother was a secretary for a law firm. They worked from day to day, and they worked their bones off just to make sure we were secure.

When it was time for me to finally go to college my parents gave me the information on my savings account and it paid for my full ride to NYU after I had been accepted. The only thing I had to worry about was food, clothes, and anything like that. Their only catch to the money was that I kept an astounding GPA all through college, and I work very hard toward my career goals.

Durning my college years—which weren't all that long ago— I had a part-time job at Lindy's Diner. It was a little mom and pop, five-and-dime close to the campus. I would work every weekend, or any other time they needed me, and when I wanted a little extra spending cash.

They were great to work for, and the owner, and manager of the restaurant were related to each other, and all of them were as sweet as can be. I still make it a priority to go back to eat there and visit them when I can. They had helped me so much throughout the four years I worked for them. It was my first job, and I owe them a lot for giving me the opportunity to work for them when I was getting my education.

"Earth to Juliet, are you okay?" Cassie asked as she snapped her finger in front of my face.

"Huh, yeah," I shook my head of my thoughts and looked at her. Worry evident on her face.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost. You sure you're ok?" She asked again.

"Well I wouldn't say I saw a ghost, but do you see the guy across from us at that other table?" I nodded my head in the direction of the table he was sitting at.

She snapped her head over quickly to his direction, and I flinched mortified that he might catch us staring at him.

"Jeez Cassie don't make it freaking obvious you're looking at him!" I whispered. I kicked her foot from under the table and she faced me once again.

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