Chapter Twenty Two

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"Shane don't say that, you don't mean it." I said looking up at him. His jaw was clenched tight, it was tighter than a money pinchers wallet. His brows were set downward and a crease was formed between them. He was pissed that was obvious, but there really wasn't much that we could do.

"Yes I do Juliet. This is going too far. You shouldn't have to be dealing with this. I don't want you to lose a job that you're so passionate about."

"Shane I told you I was going to talk to my bosses tomorrow and see what they had to say about all of this. It's going to be okay," I said.

"No it won't Juliet. They will only make things worse for you. I have dealt with this for years now. I know how these idiots work, they don't care about who they hurt. They only care about their paychecks. It'll only be a matter of time before they drag you down and say slandering things about you worse than that article. I should have never brought you here. I should have known this would happen no matter how hard we tried to be inconspicuous."

"Then let's make it public. Do an interview with a magazine or something," Juliet suggested.

"That may actually work Shane," Charlotte interjected.

"Yeah we could, but it may piss off the person and they may resort to something else. Maybe we can get an upper hand on them, though. It's going to be a while before all of this dies down now that they know who you are. We will have to prepare for the worst just in case," he said.

"Can you talk to your publicist and see what they have to say about making this public? Maybe now that we are public they can help access the situation better. We kind of just threw this at them last minute when we've been talking for a few weeks now," I said. 

"Yeah I can call them in the morning, did you want really want to go to work tomorrow? I mean with everything going on I am not sure if you would want to be at work. Just want to see if you're up to it. If not we can both call in. I can see if they can reschedule the shoot to a different day and we can just sit here and enjoy each other's company. Get to know each other more," Shane said. 

"I would really love that Shane but I think that it would be best if we did go to work, to keep up appearances and show these dummy's that we aren't phased," I said.

"Okay, well then do you want to just watch something on tv and then call it a night?" he asked.

"Yeah that sounds like a great plan," I smiled. 

"I will let you two have your time. It looks like the crowds have begun to dissipate," Charlotte said still looking out the window. 

"Have a good night Charlotte," I said. 

"You too sweetheart," she said, smiling.

"I'll walk you out Charlotte, I don't want anyone to hurt you again," Shane wrapped his arms around her protectively, and they walked together to the elevators banishing behind the doors.

Him leaving me alone, left me with just my thoughts. How quickly this day had become an absolute nightmare.

Why did dating a celebrity have to be so hard?

 I shouldn't complain. I wasn't really a complaining type of person, but this was hard. I hadn't even known about his celebrity status until this morning. Why did it feel like the universe was telling us we weren't meant to be together? We didn't even get to have sex, it had to mean something. Maybe two people from opposite sides of the train track meant that that being together would just become a train wreck. 

The problem was, I was really starting to like him, I just wished that things weren't as tricky as they were now. I really wanted this to work. I was also afraid that we were moving too fast. 

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