Chapter Fourteen

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I walked back into the classroom after he asked me out. I didn't know what to think at that point. I thought it would be funny to tease him and tell him no but I was to harsh with him and instead of feeling like a boss, I just felt like an ass.

I headed towards the circular rug where Cassie and the kids sat naming off the ABC's but I turned back around to take a quick glance out the window to see Shane walking away with his head held down.

I could feel my heart sink into the pit of my stomach. I had never felt like such a horrible person in all of my life. I had never been brave enough to act that way to anyone, but I thought a little fiery attitude would get the attention that only a guy like him would give. He seemed like the persistent type but after watching him leave with a tail between his legs I was starting to second guess my opinion of him. I should be the first person to know that you can't judge a book by the cover especially being in my profession.

I went over to sit next to Cassie and joined in on the song they were in mid chorus to.

"Hello everybody, yes indeed, yes indeed. Hello everybody yes indeed, yes indeed, my friends," we all sung together.

It was our morning routine to sing a few songs with the kids and then work on the alphabet. We also taught the kids American Sign Language when we sung our songs so that they could retain a little more of the information. They loved it, it helped them differentiate the words and it helped up to see where they were at in learning their words. They tended to pick up things a lot faster when we added in the signs.

"How did it go?" Cassie asked when we finished up at the rug.

"I am an asshole Cassie. I think I've been hanging out with you too much," I said.

"Are you calling me an asshole?"

"Yes, I am," I said giggling. While none of the kids were looking in our direction Cassie smacked me on the arm.

"Teacher I am telling on you!" I whisper yelled so none of the kids could hear.

We both laughed at each other and then told all of the kids to line up by the bathroom to wash their hands.

Usually washing hands went by without a hitch. We would sing a 20 second song like the ABC'S or even "The Hand Washing" song to get them to like washing their hands but for some reason most of the kids were just not in the mood and there were a few grunts and groans.

The joys of Mondays.

"Alright guys go grab your snacks and sit down!" Cassie called to the kids once they were finished up washing their hands.

When all of the kids were seated I went to the office and I grabbed the two mini bags of 'Baked Lays' chips and handed one to Cassie.

"So what are you going to do about Shane?" Cassie asked as we went to sit down in the little chairs with the kids.

'I-D-O-N-'T-K-N-O-W,' I mouthed to her. She we both turned back to face the kids and continued with snack time.

I was sitting down next to Jacob as he was playing around with his food. He looked at me his big brown eyes and put his chip down before he had a chance to put it in his mouth.

"Ms. Juliet?" he asked.

"Yes Jacob, what's the matter sweetie?" I asked.

"Why were you outside talking to my uncle Shane?"

What on Earth do I tell this child?

Do I say, 'Oh it's nothing sweetie'. But Jacob is highly intelligent he would pick up on my lie real quick. I don't know what to say to him.

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