Chapter Twenty Seven

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I carried the bags full of the dresses I bought Juliet as we walked back to the truck. I knew she didn't like me spending money on her, but just the feeling of doing so, made me appreciate it all the more. She was the type of girl that didn't feel comfortable with materialistic things, but it was my love language, at least it was with her.

"Ladies are you ready to see a photo shoot?" I asked.

"Oh my God yes, I am ready to see all the hot guys roll up with just briefs on," Cassandra said.

"Cass, we don't even know what this photo shoot is going to be," Juliet laughed.

"Oh sure ruin the fun for me Juliet," Cass smiled.

I opened the front door for Juliet and helped her into the truck, before opening the door for Cass. Once the girls were inside I went to the drivers side and hopped in.

I looked at Juliet next to me first and grinned at her before turning my head back to look at Cass, "Cass you'll get your wish today, I'm doing a a Ralph Lauren boxer shoot with a bunch of different male models. There's going to be a few female models there as well. I'm not sure which models are going to be there though."

"Yesss," she said fist pumping into the air.

"You just made her day. She's going to be like a kid in the candy store now," Juliet said shaking her head.

I laughed as I turned the truck on and started to drive off into the mid morning traffic. Traffic was pretty heavy as per usual, but we had plenty of time still before we made it to the shoot and luckily it wasn't too far from Trump Tower.

Luckily it didn't too long to get there, there were no accidents so that helped out a lot. The shoot was set in a penthouse of an expensive looking apartment building.

I peered over at Juliet as she looked up at the massive skyscraper with bulging eyes and a gaping mouth. Which made me laugh internally. She really didn't understand how the other half lived, which made her so much more precious and innocent.

The stark difference between her and Cassandra were very evident, since she didn't even seem to bat an eye with expensive things. She was used to it, considering that he father was already extremely wealthy. For Juliet, though, she wasn't used to this. She didn't grow up rich, she didn't live in a fancy apartment, she was middle class. It made me feel for her. Things like this clearly made her uncomfortable, but I would make sure that she was comfortable with me.

"You ready to go inside baby?" I asked. I found her hand on her side and placed my fingers through hers locking my hand closed.

She shook her head of her thoughts and turned to look at me, "hell yeah! I can't wait to see you in your underwear." She chuckled.

"Juliet I'm shocked!" I said with mock shock on my face.

"Don't be so surprised. I've been waiting for a while now and it still hasn't happened completely yet," she said with a sarcastic tone.

"Patience, all good things come to those who wait," I said with a wink.

"I think I just threw up in my mouth," Cass interrupted.

Juliet turned her head around and grimaced at her best friend before turning back. Leaning her head on my shoulder I guided her inside the lobby of the apartments, and spoke to a man behind the desk. He moved from around the desk to direct us to the elevators and letting us know the photographers and their assistants were setting up the room.

The girls and got inside the all glass elevator and I pressed the button to the last floor penthouse. I was excited for the shoot but also nervous and I wasn't sure why. I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that wouldn't go away.

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