Chapter Thirteen

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"What did you just say?" She asked.

"I asked if you would go on a date with me," I said again.

"Why would I go on a date with you? You realize that you're a tool and I honestly don't want to be involved with anyone like that. Please leave," she said exasperated. She turned to head to the door when I lightly grabbed her arm.

"Juliet please, let me show you that I am a good man," I pleaded. I locked eyes with her willing her to believe me.

"I really don't think this would be a good idea and I really don't think it was cool of you to show up at my place of work to see me either. Please leave, and thank you for giving me back my I.D." She said as she walked back inside the classroom.

I watched as she walked back into the room and just stood there contemplating. I didn't want to just let her go so it was then that I decided I was just going to come back after my photo shoot and hope she'd still be here to talk to her.

I wanted to see if maybe by the afternoon she would change her mind. I hoped she would. Maybe she would have cooled down by then. Her temper was just as fiery hot as her hair color. It suited her well. Walking out of the school I headed back over to Mike's car and back into the direction I came from.

Pulling up to Mike's penthouse building I went back up to their home to grab my keys. No one was in the living room when the elevator doors opened up.

"Hey Mike? Sandra? I'm here for my keys," I called out to them. Nothing.

"Mike?" I called out again.

"Hey," Mike said as he walked in the living room from his bedroom.

"Hey, didn't know where you were but I'm just dropping your keys off, I've got a shoot right now and I have to get going," I said.

I grabbed my keys off the counter, then went to him and handed him his keys.

"Sorry Sandra and I only get so much alone time when the kids are around so we were just giving ourselves a little extra time before going to work," Mike said rubbing the back of his neck.

"No worries bro, I know you guys have your hands full, it's nice to have some alone time every once and a while haha," I said.

"Hey Shane how were the kids? Did they give you any trouble this morning? I know Jacob was being a little feisty. How did it go with Ms. Juliet?" Sandra asked walking out of the room wearing a suit. Sandra was a very powerful lawyer, being a partner in her own law firm. She usually worked with the rich and famous so she also made a lot of money.

"Nah, Jacob saw Ms. Juliet and then he was alright, and Macie was very sweet. Juliet doesn't want anything to do with me. She told me to leave but I want to go to her school again and see if I can just talk to her," I said.

"Oh god Shane what did you tell her? Sandra asked.

"Nothing! I just asked if we could start over and she said no and I asked her on a date and she basically said fuck you but not in so many words and then went back into the room." I looked at Sandra as I shrugged and she just shook her head and sighed.

"For being a player you sure don't know how to talk to a woman do you? It's all sex with you. You can smooth talk a girl into your bed but you can't have a decent conversation with one. What am I going to do with you Shane," Sandra asked.

"I didn't know what to say to her, I kind of panicked a little," I said.

"You think? First off you should have asked her if she was okay, how she was doing, how her morning was. Then, you should have asked if maybe you could grab a cup of coffee to break the ice, do a little small talk. Easy peasy. Never say something like what you said cause that's just causing more of a barrier," Sandra said.

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