Chapter Three

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When I was no longer distracted by the beautiful girl I had ran into, I waved down a cab so I could get to my photo shoot on time.

I was working a shoot on a new cologne that Gucci had come out with, and it was supposed to be a perfume and cologne of the same name but a different scent for each one. Together the scents were supposed to complement each other. It was all too complex to understand other than it was like a liquid version of pheromones. Each scent worked well alone, but together it created something new and invigorating.

It was a really good advertising trick to get people to buy them for their significant others. It brought more money to Gucci, and to me which was nice.

This shoot was only two hours long, we were taking the photos in a lavish penthouse with windows surrounding it, and I was going to be making two grand posing with a gorgeous model, plus a commercial for the two fragrances.

It was supposed to be hot and sensual, definitely the type of campaigns I loved being signed under. Not only did it help me meet new ladies, but it also got me out there.

People loved sex, they craved it, and hell it paid well too. I didn't have to do anything but show my naked torso on billboards, or the screens on the buildings in time square and I made bank.

I didn't even need to fuck someone to make money, I just needed to show a little skin, and money would fly towards me, and women would worship the ground I walked on.

I never had much trouble trying to get with a woman, it came real easily to me, but sometimes it did get somewhat hard trying to have a relationship with someone. I didn't think much of it very often, but considering I had made myself the playboy poster boy, it made it hard for me to get exclusive with a girl.

There's always the good and bad to an image, and in my case it was usually the bad. The one time I tried serious dating, it had ended rather badly. I was just starting out in my modeling career.

I always thought that She never trusted me. That she always thought I was going to go off messing with other women even though I wasn't.

One day after dating Rosalie for only three months I received a call from my publicist telling me to turn on the television to one of the gossip news channels. As I kept Susan on the line, I watched in horror as the girl I thought I had something with turned my world upside down.

It was an all out exclusive, a tell all of sorts about how she had used me to garner her fame, and to also 'boost my modeling career'. According to her, my manager at the time, was paying her to date me so that I could receive more modeling offers. Honestly I knew it was only a coverup for him just wanting to get more money out of me, he didn't care about me or what it would do to my career if she went public.

I never expected this to happen, to let my feelings cloud my better judgment. I should have known that she was only with me to get her somewhere, and not because she actually wanted to be with me.

The announcement took me by surprise, and not only that but the fact that as she said that it was all a lie she told the viewers that she was actually in love with my manager Calvin and they were going to get married. According to her they hadn't planned on falling in love it just happened. And they just couldn't hide their feelings anymore.

I was furious, they had slandered my name and embarrassed me in front of everyone including my friends and family. I was on the covers of many gossip magazines with harsh headlines stating; 'betrayal of the false lovers' and so many more that were even worse.

In all my hatred and torment from the public's eyes I fired Calvin because I couldn't stand to look at him for turning my life into a living hell.

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