Chapter Eight

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"Well my name is Juliet, and what is your name?" I asked. Looking at him for his answer.

"Well hello there, Juliet, I'm Shane. It's very nice to meet you," he said. He raised his hand for a handshake. As I pressed my hand in his and we both felt a shock of electricity go through our hands.

"Ouch, you shocked me," I giggled as he released my hand.

"I get that a lot," he winked at me.

"I bet you do," I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm only joking Juliet. You know what they say when you get shocked by someone? That you're their soulmate," he said as he looked into my eyes.

"Well I highly doubt that. Especially with my luck lately," I shrugged.

"Yeah you're right. I'm not really the settling down type," he said. I looked at him trying to figure this guy out, but I couldn't.

This wasn't how I expected my night to go for sure. I didn't think I would be sitting here next to this gorgeous man, or deal with any of what had transpired earlier in the evening.

It had been an interesting evening that was for sure. I had only went out with Cassie because she wanted me to get out and get over my ex. I didn't think that I would dance or be sitting with the man that bumped into me earlier this morning.

I couldn't place who he was, but there was something about him that looked very familiar to me. I couldn't place my finger on where I had seen him before but he had to be someone famous especially because he was so worried about the paparazzi following him.

"So Shane, don't take this the wrong way, but like who are you? I swear I've seen you somewhere before, but I'm not sure where. You said something about paparazzi too, are you famous?" I asked. I knew I was stupid for asking him, but it was the only way I could find out why I thought I recognized him.

"You really don't know who I am? I may just keep you in the dark then. Let you find out for yourself. I'm sure you would find out about me really easily, if you start looking around all of New York," he gave me a smoldering look that put Ian Somerhalder's to shame.

"Alright well if you're going to be like that, I think I'm going to need some more drinks," I gave him a raised eyebrow before I got up to head to the bar.

"You sit down, I'll buy your drink what was it you were drinking?" He said getting up and pulling his wallet out of his back pocket.

"A Midori sour. You don't have to be the gentleman. I know you aren't," I said.

"Ouch that hurt, but also well deserved. Don't worry sweetheart, I may not be a gentleman, but I am still a man and men pick up the tab," he winked and walked off towards the bar.

What an interesting man. He wasn't a gentleman that was for sure, but he did have charm. Maybe this was how he got girls to go home with him, by being nice to them?

I knew I had to keep my bearings up, I didn't want him doing the same to me. Even if he did want to bring me home, and I somehow decided to be stupid enough to do so, it would be under my own volition. I wouldn't be some other notch on his bed post. Thanks to my ex, I was going to keep my guard up with every man. In this case I welcomed it. I wouldn't trust this man, especially after earlier. Perhaps tonight I would get him drunk, instead of the other way around. It would definitely be much more fun than me being naive and susceptible to drunk sex. Although he looked very capable of hot fiery sex, I wasn't going to make his night better. I didn't survive four years of college life on campus with horny frat boys for nothing.

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