"It doesn't matter. I just don't like talking to people. So leave me alone." I turned from him and went back to focusing on Mr. Collins.

He finished his lecture and explained the assignment for today.

"Okay, so today we will be taking a single slice of pizza and using the Pythagorean Theorem on it. You will use your ruler and measure the sides and record them on this worksheet." He held up the sheet to show us. "Now those who eat first and copy from others will receive no credit. So get with a partner and I'll hand out the pizza."

He went over to the back of the classroom and took one of the many pizza boxes that were stacked on the table. I watched him as he took some napkins and put them on the box. He soon caught me watching him and motioned for me to come to him.

"Yes sir?" I questioned.

"Kellin, I would like for you to go in the teacher's lounge and get the blue cooler that's stored in there." He gave me the key and started passing out the pizza.

I walked out the classroom, a burden lifted from my shoulders. I walked casually down the hall, swinging my arms and humming to myself. I turned the corner that led to the teacher's lounge and bumped into someone. But not just anyone, Vic. We fell to the ground and he stood up and looked over me.

"Well, well, well. Look who I found." He smiled deviously.

"Sorry." I pushed myself up and tried to go around him. He blocked my way, so I tried to pass him again, he continued to block my path.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, pushing me back.

"I-I-I have to go to the t-teacher's lounge." I stuttered.

"Oh really?" He pushed me again. I filled with fear as he walked towards me. With every step he took forward, I took one backwards.

"Sorry." I backed up against the lockers. "I'm sorry, please don't hit me." He smiled at my whimpering plea.

"You make me laugh." He stated with a smirk as he turned to walk away.

I quickly moved from the lockers and rushed to the lounge. I thought he was in class, didn't I see him in there? I quickly dismissed the thoughts and grabbed the cooler. It had wheels and a handle, I tilted it and rolled it. I didn't want to run into Vic again, so I looked around all the corners on my way back to class. I opened the door and was greeted by Mr. Collins.

"Your back, did you have some troubles?" He asked taking the cooler from me.

"No, sorry it took soo long." I quickly apologized and went to my seat.

I had a pizza sitting on my desk, I began to work on my assignment. Mr. Collins came and gave me a puzzling look as he laid a soda on my desk.

"Don't you have a partner?" He asked.

"No sir. Can you be mine?" I asked pleadingly.

"I can't. Uh, wait a minute." He stepped back to look at the class. "Mr. Detention. Come be partners with Kellin." He shouted.

I thanked him sarcastically and he gave me a warm smile. I looked back to see who my partner was and I'd rather have worked alone. He smiled at me and I turned nervously and began to bounce my leg. It was a nervous twitch I had. I'm getting nowhere with the whole 'avoiding Vic plan'.

"Hey loser. Get to work." He gave me his paper and took a bite of his pizza.

"I-I-I can't do it for you." I admitted.

"Excuse me? I told you to do it, so you do it." He commanded.

"I-I can't, I can't, I could get in t-trouble." I stuttered.

Cemetery Weather (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now