--Ten minutes later--

I was experimenting on a new trick. With collecting air around and condensed it to an object, I can make a shield. Well they say practice make perfect. I tried and tried multiple times until I can create a small shield for me to use with the perfect width and height to cover my whole body with just lifting my hand.

Grinning, "Hey Kirishima! Bakugou! Can you help me test something?" I called both of them who was training with Ectoplasm-sensei's clones. Both of them came over one with a curious face and the other with a scowl. "What do you need (Y/N)?" Asked Kirishima.

Creating a shield, "Attack me with all of your might!". My words put a halt to the others who heard me. "You sure?" Kirishima asked with a unsure face while Bakugou is smirking for some reason.

"I'm sure!" After I finished those words an explosion was launched to me. Fortunately, the shield of condensed air is enough to hold it. "Nice, Again!" I grinned. Kirishima shrugged and turn his arms to rock, and attack me simultaneously with Bakugou.


Both if them were panting a bit. My shield doesn't even have a small crack to it. "Thank you for your help Kirishima, and Bakugou. I'll buy you guys a drink later."

"Sounds great." With that both of them walk away. "Anyone want to try?" I asked out loud. Some like Kaminari, and Ojiro tried to break it but failed. I thanked them and promised to buy them a drink. Now, I need to created a shield that will surround me. "(Y/N)." A hand grabbed my shoulder. Turning around I saw All Might. "Try placing a hand behind your back. It might be easier to condense the air at the back side." He said. I nodded and tried his advise.

True! it was easier to condense air at my back when a hand is behind.

"Good! Now can you follow me?" He asked out of nowhere. I looked at him with a '?' but nodded. We walked out of the TKL and to the main school building.

---In the teacher's resting room---

We sat down on the couch across each other. "Coffee?" He asked while pointing to the coffee machine. "No, thank you." He sat back down.

"I'll be frank. Me and the principal have been talking, and we concluded that your fighting style is to dangerous." All Might said in all of his seriousness. I was quite shocked by his words. "But I have the special knife!"

He nodded, "But the damage you'll done to your opponents can cause them to die. So..." I was a bit disappointed by this, but I heard he said 'so...'. I looked up to see him smiling at me. "I have an idea." He slouch down. "I don't want to ask you about this." He mutered before he spoke, "The principal asked me to give you One for All."

"..... Hahahahahahaha..." I laughed. "OI, I'm serious!" I saw his face wearing a serious, very serious expression. "...your kidding right?!" I yelled. "I want you to revert me to my condition before I give young Midoriya One for all, then I'll give my DNA. Lastly, revert me back to this condition." He ordered. 'maybe he wasn't kidding at all...' I do what he wanted.

Taking a of his hair he gives it to me, "EAT THIS!"

I deadpanned, but before I could retort he push it into my mouth, forcing me to swallow it

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I deadpanned, but before I could retort he push it into my mouth, forcing me to swallow it. I revert his body to his real condition before gagging on the floor. "Tomorrow, one for all will be planted on your body, meet me again at Field Gamma!" With that I blacked out.


Millions of thought flashed in my mind. 'How would Izuku react to this?' I pinch the bridge of my nose while letting out a sigh. I reached to the Field Gamma and glared to the figure standing at the gates of it.

"Hey (Y--" All Might shudder at the intensity of my glare. "Now now. There's no need to do anything follish right?" He tried to reason with me. I sighed, "What do you need?" I asked. "Use this Field Gamma to train one for all. I'll be here."

With time stopped for a while I tried to do what Izuku do.
Based on my observation. Izuku channeled one for all to cover his limbs then rotate it. ' it's pretty easy' I noticed once I tried it. 'might be because I used time manipulation often'

I went from the middle of field Gamma to the gates, and find that All Might was gone. My eyebrows twitched, a bit irked. Muttering curses I went back to the middle and creating a shield to cover my limbs, from finger to shoulder and foot to thighs. I don't even feel it there. I punched the nearby building.


....'did it just exploded to debris???' I gaped to the now debris. 'Now I need to test this in a spar!' I walked out of field Gamma with full of enthusiasm to spar with my first best friend, Izuku.


At TKL I saw Izuku kicking a boulder above All Might position. Looking up where the boulder came from I saw a scowling Bakugou retreating back. I yelled to Izuku wanting to ask him about the spar, "Hey Izuk--" I was interrupted by the doors of TKL sliding open.

"THAT'S ENOUGH, CLASS A!! TKL was supposed to be ours this afternoon."  Vlad King the homeroom teacher of class B yelled. I payed no mind to him, and stand still near the door, leaning to the wall. "Hey, have you all heard?! About how half those taking the licensing test fail it? I BET YOU'RE ALL GONNA FAIL, CLASS A!" I glared at Monoma who was mocking us.

Aizawa-sensei and Vlad King-sensei explained that every classes will be registered differently to avoid direct competition.

"*Phew* WHAT A SHAME THAT I WON'T GET TO BEAF YOU ALL WITH MY OWN TWO HANDS!! BWAHAHAHAHA..." Monoma started to mock us again. 'did he just let out a sigh of relief?' I asked in my mind. Monoma walked to my right and grabbed my shoulder, "(L/N), you're more suitable to class B you know." He showed his annoying smile. I felt something drained from my body. Mooking to my right where Monoma is, I saw his clothing/costume on the floor.

"Ehm...Guys?" I started to lift some of the clothing, "I guess we have a problem." I scratched my cheek nervously while lifting Monoma....Who was reverted to a baby.

I channeled my quirk to him to increase his age, and gives him to a worried faced Kendo. "He should be ok in..." I take a look at my watch. "20 minutes. Better bring him to the changing room." I give her his clothes while implying that he will be naked when he returns to his original state. She nodded and ran outside of TKL.

"What just happened?" Sero asked with a sweatdrop. Sigh, "He tried to use my quirk. Which he lost control of and turned him back to a baby. That's the risk of my quirk." I explained while trying to hold my laughter, at least not in front of his friends. Class B will use the TKL after us, so we returned to the dorm.


"Girls, please enjoy your night. I'll be upstairs if you need me." I put five glass of warm milk for the girls and walked upstairs. Laying down on my bed I closed my eyes. "It's a pity I didn't get to test one for all in a spar. Well there always be next time." I went to sleep.

A/N: I like reading your guys comments, I'm also thankful for your kind words. Next stop, is the Provisional license test.

I Will Grow Stronger As The Time Passes (Bnha X Male Reader) (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now