39. Goodbye

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Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Song- I'll Be Good by James Young

Kristen's Pov.

The moment that you finally have to say goodbye can be all sorts of weird. You realize that for the most part you'll never see the people that you knew in high school unless it's a reunion and to be honest, i would never show up to those because besides my closest friends that I knew, everyone else had sucked major ass.

But that's besides the point. What I really was going to miss was Jesse's warm arms wrapped around me; showing me that he cared about every little thing that I said. Whether it was stupid or not. I'm gonna miss Cara's soft but fiery attitude. She never lets anyone walk all over her but she knows how to not be a major bitch at people when she's mad. I'm gonna miss Kade's silent, yet, strong presence in the room. He's always observing and those types of people to me are always the wisest. Because instead of running at the mouth all the time, he takes the time to really study how each and everyone of us is feeling. It's a skill that I have yet to truly learn. And lastly and at the least, I'm gonna Caine and Vincent tag teaming to be complete and utter pains in my ass. However, they are very humorous together. While Caine is more of the inappropriate one, Vincent takes the cake by being one of the stupidest people that I know.

I'm kidding. But to be honest no mater what I know that Vincent and Caine will always have my back. We all went from being awkward because of untold crushes and untold secrets, to being one of the closest knit family that we all could possibly be; we have each other's backs no matter what and that is something that I've always dreamed of having.

And now I have to say goodbye momentarily to it all.




"Lacey stop crying." My dad says while shaking his head; humor in his eyes. My mom sniffles and grabs a Kleenex tissue from the counter. She blows her nose loud and aggressively. Dad and I roll our eyes.

"Mom, I'll still visit. Don't worry." I try to reassure her.

"I know that. I'm just gonna miss having my daughter at home. You're the only one who can make me want to rip out my hair, but at the same time, make me want to mug you with so much kisses and to hold you all night in my arms. I'm gonna miss you so much." She starts to sob and I make way to give her a hug. Making sure to avoid her wet tears.

I mean it made sense that she was sobbing. It's always a sad thing when you have to say goodbye to a child. Especially since I'm the only child. It'll be just her and dad left in this house. Maybe Jesse and I's parents should all go on vacation together for a distraction.

"Mom you can let me go now. I think that we've been hugging for over two minutes now and it's starting to get awkward." She gives me a final squeeze and wipes her eyes.

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