16. Hopeless

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Chapter 16

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Chapter 16

***this chapter has mature content in it because it deals with abuse. You have been warned***

Kirsten's Pov.

I leaned on my balcony and let out a puff of smoke from my cigarette. While running my hands through my hair, I contemplated rather I should just barge into Jesse's room or turn back around and go back inside.

He had to know.

But I'm not sure if I'm ready to share that story yet.

I let the wind rustle my hair and I close my eyes while breathing in the smell of cigarette smoke. I heard a door open and then close.

I open my eyes.

"What are you doing out here?" Jesse stares at me with conflicting eyes. I let out a sigh and let out four words that would soon change how he viewed me.

"We need to talk."


I lay on his bed and I feel him sit beside me.

"I want to first apologize for treating you the way that I did. You didn't deserve to be my manwhore." He lets out a snicker but doesn't say much else.

"There's a reason why I screw and leave." I hesitate before continuing on.

"I... Had a... There was this guy I knew some time ago. He kind of reminded me of you. We would hook up all the time and not much else. But after a while, he started having deeper feelings for me and he eventually asked me to be his girlfriend. I was reluctant at first, but I soon agreed. So after that we were basically equivalent to any other basic adorably cute couple. We were attached to the hip. I was essentially attached to him and I started to rely on him heavily. At the time we both loved to do illegal shit like doing drugs and underage drinking which I still do today, but not as heavily as I use to. So it happened on Fourth of July two summers ago. We were absolutely wasted and he wanted to take pictures of me without anything else on and I refused. He kept on saying things like 'why not babe?' And 'you are so unbelievably sexy. I just want to capture that.'

So after a few whispers of sweet nothings I let him take pictures of me because my stupid ass self actually trusted him." My eyes started to get blurry but I kept going.

"He had sold those photos to his friends for 20 fucking dollars. That's all I was worth to him. I went to his apartment to confront him about it and I saw him screwing another girl. He did not even try to apologize. You know what he did? He lead me outside to "speak privately" about the situation. So I basically started calling him all the names in the book and the next thing I know, I saw stars. He had hit me. I remember hitting my head on the concrete ground as I went down from the blow.

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