25. When She Gets Lost (Part 2)

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Chapter 25(***Mature content: This chapter deals with mental illness, suicide, and drug overdose***)

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Chapter 25
(***Mature content: This chapter deals with mental illness, suicide, and drug overdose***)

Kristen's Pov. (flashback)

As I arrived home quietly, I managed to not wake up my parents. I headed up to my room sluggishly and got undressed.

I didn't understand why Vincent couldn't take the words no. If he thought that I was just going to magically jump into his arms and declare my love for him, then he thought wrong.

I sink into my bed letting out a sigh, releasing all of the stress of today. Staring up at the ceiling, my phone buzzes.

I reach for my phone to see an incoming call from Vincent.

"Hello?" I whisper hoping my mother won't hear me.

"Yeah I just wanna say you made a big mistake. Don't ever talk to me again because we're done." He slurs out almost drunkenly.

He was drunk.

"Vincent where are you?" I shake my head at his stupidity.

"I'm with Laney." My heart stops at the mention of my friend.

"Okay. Well have fun then." I hang up quickly while frowning.

What was she doing with him?

I knew that Laney was the type of girl to take advantage of any guy. However, she knew that Vincent was always off limits. Also because he just straight up hated her.

I sit up straight and get out of bed. I had to go and find him before he did something he would regret.

Once I put my clothes and sneakers on, I snatch my moms car keys and head out to the location I already knew he'd be at.

Laney's house.

He would have never taken her to his home because he could never handle his alcoholic mother.

I just hoped that he already had passed out on her couch.

When I arrived at her house. All of her lights were on and I let out a small breath of relief. Maybe they were just talking and eating food.

Everything was okay.

I walked up to her doorstep and knocked.

Then I waited for five minutes before realizing that the door was already unlocked. I wasn't one to just walk randomly into someone else's house, but since no one answered the door, I mines well just enter.

Walking into the large house I felt extremely small. Her house was literally the size of a castle. I really didn't understand it because it was only her in this house. Her parents were always away off to the Bahamas, Paris, or any other place that wasn't here.

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