6. Ecstatic!

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Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Kristen's Pov.

We pull up to a kind of mini home. We were surrounded by tall trees and I could see light shining from the house. He pulled up into the driveway and parked.

"Why are we in the woods?" I questioned him while raising an eyebrow. He turned towards me with a grin.

"Because this is where the guys and I hang out most of the time." He gets out and walks to the back seat to open the door for Laney and Cara. I open my own door and we all walk towards the entrance. I observed my surroundings while scanning the tall trees that we were surrounded in. I didn't see any other building but this one.


"Hey!" I hear Caine's voice as we enter the house. He stands, leaning against the entrance door while smirking at us. His eyes skim across me and they stop.

"I didn't think you would get little miss hater to come to this place." Caine laughs, never taking his eyes off of me.

"No Caine. Just because I don't like you particularly, doesn't mean that I don't want to hang out with Kade and Jesse." I hear Laney and Cara 'ooohhh' and Jesse say 'burn'. Caine just realized rolls his eyes at me before we all walk into the house.

The house was surprisingly neat and cozy looking. Their was a black leathery couch that I made my way over to. I saw Kade waiting for us already on the couch. He had a beer in his hand and a bag of chips in the other.

"Hey guys." he addresses everyone with his mouth full, so it kind of sounds like "mmh Gursss." I smile at him while Laney and Cara sit besides me.

Caine sits across from me and Jesse sits next to Caine. I look over only to see that Laney was flirted herself up. She was pushing her boobs up and leaning forward a little. I turned my head to see who she was looking at.


He didn't seem to be noticing though. He, along with Jesse, had picked up a beer.

"We should play a game." Caine suggest.

"Sure!" Laney chirps while fluttering her eyelashes. Cara and I nod silently.

"Alright... how about a good old game of truth or dare?" I shrug my shoulders. Truth or dare honestly never ended well in my opinion. I mean, there was always the person who dared someone to kiss a certain person and then that screwed with the other person who had a crush on that person....

If that made any sense at all.

And then there was always the truth. The truth always hurt because it was that person's deepest and darkest secret that they didn't want anybody to find out.

But sure, I'll play.

"Okay! We'll spin this beer bottle to see who goes first." He jugs the last remains of the beer before placing the now empty beer bottle on the table that was in the middle.

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