17. The Date

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Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Kristen's Pov.

"Um yes, one chicken sandwich and a McFlurry please." I say as I wait in line with Jesse. I looked around and there was no one here with the exception of one old man who was sitting in the corner eating a Big Mac quietly.

Aw he looks so adorable.

I leaned in towards Jesse and whisper to him,

"Can we eat outside?" He raises an eyebrow at me, but shrugs his shoulders as if to say 'okay'.  When our food arrives we sit on one of the benches and start to dig in.

I don't care what anyone says. McDonald's is good.

I let out a moan and then feel Jesse eyes on me. He looks amused.

"Can I help you?" I ask. He just shakes his head and continues to eat his burger.

"You know what I just realized?" I finally hear Jesse ask.


"We've fucked more than we've talked." I choke off of my chicken sandwich and start to hack violently.

"What?" I repeat again. He lets out a husky laugh that sends chills down my spine.

"Tell me something about yourself that no one knows." I look up at him in awe. He actually wanted to get to know me.

"Um, well when I was little I use to have the hugest crush on one of my teachers so I remember one day going up to Mr.Dangle and saying 'I realwee luv you berry much.' And he just looks at me and smiles but says nothing else. I think I went home crying and I lied to my mom saying that I was crying because I fell down or something like that." I hear Jesse let out a laugh and I look up towards him to see him smiling at me.

"So what I'm hearing is that you've always had crushes on your teachers, even now?" I blush as I realize the truth in his words.

Even back then I was a little slut.

"Okay tell me something about you that no one knows." I lean in waiting in anticipation. He stretches his arms and takes a sip of his drink causing his dimples to show.

"Okay... I killed someone before." He says with a straight face. I look at him in a creeped out way and he starts laughing loudly.

"I'm kidding. No I actually use to wear lady bug briefs up to the age of 15. I thought that they were sexy." He shrugs his shoulders and I let out an unattractive snort.

"It's okay. I still wear lady bug underwear." He looks intrigued and I start to blush again.

Damn it, he made me blush too much.

"If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?" He continues on to ask me.

"Las Vegas." I instantly say.

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