23. Vincent Who?

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Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

(Music above is Lights By Odesza ft. Little Dragons)

Kristen's Pov.

I woke up with a pounding headache.

Remind me to never drink again while heavily high on drugs.

Yeah that'll probably last for like a whole ten minutes.

"Kristen your father and I are concerned for you. You've been skipping class, sneaking out, and I found drugs in your medicine cabinet. What's going on with you?" My mom takes a seat on the edge of my bed and places a hand on my leg.

"Nothing mom. I'm just... stressed." She gives me a look of disbelief.

"I can't make decisions for you, but I at least hoped that you would be smart enough to make them on your own." She pauses and shakes her head.

"I know that your father and I haven't been around much lately and that's my fault, but I'm genuinely scared for your health. Please if there is anything I should know, just tell me." I look into her eyes and my eyes start to get blurry. I lean into my mom and she strokes my hair.

"Mom... Vincent is back. He called me and everything and I'm just not sure if I can handle it again. I've finally moved on-" she cuts me off with a slight smirk.

"With what? A bunch of guys?" I roll my eyes at her. I swear dad has rubbed off on her too much.

"No...well yes, wait! I mean, I have a boyfriend and I really like him which is very rare for me because I can never make an actual commitment." She lets out a laugh.

"I'm surprised. You never tell me anything these days. I just hope that you're being safe-" I cut her off with a look. She shrugs her shoulders giving me an innocent look.

"What? I was your age once and I can tell you from experience that it would be better to wait before having a child so soon. I mean it's a lot of work and-" I roll my eyes again.

"Wow mom thanks." She smiles at me warmly and rubs my arm.

"I just want you to be happy. If seeing Vincent again is going to trigger your past then if I were you, I would stay away from him as much as possible. I don't want that girl to come back. She almost gave me a heart attack." She winks at me before getting up to leave. Before she leaves though, she turns around to face me once more.

"And one more thing. I want you to invite Jesse over for dinner. I mean, I already know the boy, but I would like to know him even more." And with that, she turns to leave.

Hold up, I never told her I was dating Jesse.




"Your mother wants to meet me?... again?" Jesse stretches his arms up raising his shirt over his sculpted stomach slightly.

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