27. Let's Get Him An Ice Pack... Please

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Warning *waterworks from too many emotions*

Song: Flicker Game by Amber Run

Song: Flicker Game by Amber Run

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Chapter 27

Kristen's Pov.

"Sit still." I mutter as I place an ice pack on Vincent's jawline. Jesse stood pacing back and forth while clenching his palms.

"I'm pretty sure he can attend to his own bruise." Jesse barks out. Caine's eyes move back and forth between us while continuously sipping on the champagne.

"Well if you didn't punch him I wouldn't be doing this in the first place." I shoot back.

"He had that coming." He rolls his eyes. Vincent takes the ice pack and holds it in place while glaring at Jesse.

"Whatever argument Kristen and I have is our business. Not yours." Vincent states making Jesse raise a challenging eyebrow.

"Oh really? Because last time I checked, I'm her boyfriend. We usually don't keep secrets from each other." He glances at me and something flashes in his eyes that I'm surprised to see.


"Look, I'm sorry. It was too much to handle. I was worried about what you would think of me." I almost whisper to him. Vincent shifts uncomfortably.

"Well until you want to actually talk to me. I'll just leave you two to sort out your own shit." He says and with that, walks out of the house, slamming the door making me jump. We sit in silence for what seems like eternity until Caine speaks.

"Can I talk to you for just one second?" He practically begs me. I let out a sigh and nod my head slowly.

"I'll be back" I mutter quickly to Vincent. I stand to leave and Caine and I walk into the kitchen, the doors swinging shut.

"What do you want?" He looks at me with eye of understanding.

"I'm sorry for everything. I know that I placed a lot of stress on your shoulder due to my obvious stupid crush on you. However, I know that there's no chance of us ever being together. I can see the way that Jesse looks at you and vice versa. I'm not gonna stand in the way of that and I sure as hell hope that Vincent doesn't either. As much as I wanted for us to actually be a thing, I want you to be happy and if that's with Jesse, then who am I to ruin that-" I try to interrupt him, but he holds a hand up to stop me.

"I also know what it's like to want to give up on life. I want you to know that if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you. If you ever try to pull a stunt like that again missy... I'm gonna have to lock you up." My eyes fill up with tears as I take him in. As much as I new as well that him and i could never work, he was one hell of a friend to me. Besides our constant bitching back and forth, I knew that we made a good duo.

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