"You can't decide that for her. I'm not staying away from her just because you want me too. It's her choice whether she wants me out of her life or not and yeah you're right it's YOUR baby, but you know what? I'm not planning on giving up on either. I love her too and yes I know I was a stupid idiot for hurting her like that but deep down I know she still loves me "

"You're right about one thing.... it's her choice..."


Cristal: Hey Ash have you seen Sandra?

Ash: Um...she was by the food with Taehyung when I last saw her

Cristal: She's not there I've bee-

Richi: Hey baby *hugs her from behind"

Cristal: Hey *pecks his lips* When did you get here

Richi: We just arrived

Joel: Hey beautiful *pecks her lips*

Ash: Hey ugly

Cristal: Have you guys seen Sandra by any chance?

Richi: Umm not since I got here

Joel: Why do you need her?

Cristal: She was supposed to help me with dessert

Richi: I'll hel- *phone starts ringing *

Cristal: Who is it?

Richi: Facetime from my dad he's with Aaliyah

Cristal: Oh that's fine you can take it

Richi: But if you need help

Cristal: No babe it's fine I'll find her

Namjoon: I can help... if you want

Cristal: Oh bless thank you!

Richi: But-

Cristal: Tell Aaliyah I said hi *leaves to the kitchen with Namjoon 🌚*

Ash: Oh my god! *facepalms*

Joel: What?

Ash: I forgot I saw Sandra and Tae go into his room

Chris: What?

Joel: Chris..

Ash: Stay out of it you shithead


"Woah! I'm jealous your room has a balcony"

"I Rock Paper Scissors for it" He proudly smiled.

"Do you guys do that for everything?"

"Hmmmm... yeah pretty much"

"You guys are soo weird" She laughed.

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