Naive [available]

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TITLE: Naive•

TIMELINE: Marauders era

OC NAME: Penelope Lupin

FACECLAIM: Natalia Dyer

LOVE INTEREST: Regulus Black

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LOVE INTEREST: Regulus Black

STATUS: Available


GROWING UP A LUPIN, life wasn't exactly a piece of cake for Penelope. Sure, she was a year younger than her brother, but they were still rather close. When he left for his first year at Hogwarts, she had to sit back and read all the letters he sent. He often spoke of his new friends — James, Peter, and Sirius Black. Penelope may have been raised without prejudice due to her brother's furry problem, but that didn't make her a fool. She knew exactly who the Blacks were and they were no good. She couldn't think that the other boys were any better. However, when she went to the school for herself, she learned otherwise. Sirius was a mannered boy who would wear Muggle clothes to upset his parents.

With seeing this, Penelope began to think things were a lot different then they were. So, after the Christmas break of her fourth year, she saw Regulus Black and soon enough, her feelings develop too fast. And, because of this, Penelope Lupin was naive.


Okay, so im not sure how I feel about this plot?? I like Penelope and she's definitely a cutie, but also Regulus is a big angst ball of fluff soo..

This is set in Penelope's fourth year, Remus' fifth. Basically over Christmas break, Sirius runs away and when they go back to school, Penelope meets Regulus and he's all upset.

-I imagine he'll open up about how he felt with Sirius leaving after a bit, but not exactly super soon. He wouldn't want to talk about it and iI imagine he'll cry because aNGst and because he's been holding in all of his emotions for too long and that's just not good for anyone.

Remus isn't very happy with his sister's new interest in the boy, but he'll come around eventually. I think Sirius would talk to him a little bit and make him come around.

Sirius should end up coming up to Penelope and talked to her about Regulus or vice versa. Obviously she would be mad at Sirius because he left his fourteen year old brother with his family and that's just not ??

This is slow burn. Regulus is death eater in the beginning of their relationship (fifth year for them/sixth for remus.)

The plot is very loose, but feel free to contact me about it

PLOT BY: Jude ( @ghostlyjoy )

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