Chapter Twelve: Is There Something Wrong With Me?

Start from the beginning


"Shut up and walk, Allen."


"How's Ceceile?" Barry asked, as the three of us waiting in the elevator at STAR Labs.

"Fine. the same. I mean, nothing's changed, if something changes, I'll let you know."  I rasied my eyebrows.

"Ok...then." The doors opened, revealing a long-haired, and very scary looking man dressed head-to-toe in leather.

"This facility is poorly guarded." He said.

"Clearly." Barry stated. Joe went for his gun and the creepy dude raised his hands.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." Cisco stopped us, running up beside the man. "Ok, Power down, buckaroo. Oh good, you're all here."

"Who's your friend, Cisco?" I asked.

"This is Breacher. AKA Gypsy's father."

"Oh. Yeah, I um, can see the resemblance." Barry said awkwardly.

"There is no resemblance." Breacher replied.

"So, you know how Gypsy's kind of a big deal collector on Earth-19? Well her boss is her dad, who decided to pay us a little surprise visit at the perfect time. Which is why I decided to show him around where I work. You know?"

"I'm Barry Allen."

"Cisco's personal assistant." 

"His what?" barry asked.

"And he is the best Personal Assistant I've ever had, he stays late starts early, one day, I'll be working for him." Cisco said nevously, walking over to us.

"What are you doing?" Barry whispered.

"I wanted to impress him and now I can't stop."

"Laura Wilson." I threw out.

"The maid." Breacher confirmed. I smiled.

"The what now?" I asked through my teeth.

"I'm sorry." Cisco whispered.

"Joe West."

"A fellow law man. You I can respect."

"And Harry Wells back there." I looked up to see that Harry was in fact, standing behind Breacher. 

"You look like someone I once sent my daughter to kill."

"I get that a lot." Harry agreed.

"Uh, I thought maybe someone would want to give him the old look-see?"

"Great idea. um, Allen, Detective West, why don't you give Gypsy's father here the nickel tour of the facilities?"

"Joe." I turned to Cisco.

"The maid? Are you freaking kidding me?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, I've had to pee for like three hours." Harry snapped his fingers, pointing to Cisco's lab. We followed him in there.

"What is wrong with you?"

"Have you seen his face? The guy's killed people with that face. I'm not even joking, Gypsy said that literally happened."

"You want his approval, right?" Harry asked.

"Yes, I want his approval, he's my girlfriend's father!" 

"Look, Cisco, you're a good guy. You're smart and upstanding, any father would be thrilled to have you dateing his daughter." I told him.

"Except me. You can't date my daughter, alright?" Harry said. "Can't date Jesse, Jesse's off limits."

"Harry, you're a dad. Tell him what you would want from one of Jesse's boyfriends." I said, pushing Harry forward.

"Just take him for coffee. Go for coffee, get to know him a little bit better, I bet you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much you hae in common, right? You both have the same powers, you're breachers, you hae ridiculous hair, he has ridiculous hair."

"Ok, but-"

"And you both love Gypsy, and want what's best for her." I added.

"Are you two actually giving me deccent relationship advice right now."

"We are." 

"You'll be fine." Harry told him.

"I don't wanna be here anymore." Breacher said, suddnely appearing in the doorway.

"And we're leaving." He followed Breacher to the doorway, then turned around and mouthed 'Help me'.

"Have fun storming the castle." Harry called. I smiled, laughing. They left and I turned to Harry.

"That was really good advice, Harry." He nodded.

"Well, I'm a father. You said so yourself." I nodded. "However, I have to ask, simply because I have no idea, have you Wilson, ever had a boyfriend?" I stopped.

"Um...not in so many words, no..." he rasied his eyebrows. "No, never had a boyfriend."

"You are every father's dream." I chuckled.

"Why? Do you think...oh my gosh is there something wrong with me?"

"This...really isn't my area, so I'm gonna quantum physics...again." He left the room, leaving me standing alone in the middle of the lab.

Is there something wrong with me?

What Brings Us Together (A Ralph Dibny/ The Flash Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now